'... The Shih Tzu is one of the smallest and cutest dogs you can take as a pet. This elegant dog breed from China was the most cherished and pampered pet of royal families in the early times. They have an air of royalty and love to be pampered and given more attention ...'
I got that excerpt off a site that specializes in Shih Tzu's and I have to tell you that every single one of those words are absolutely true, especially the part about air of royalty. Pebbles, my little lovable dog, thinks she's the queen of this house and has of late become so pampered that she insists on making wifey feed her by hand!
She sure acts the royalty part by strutting around the house like a princess and demanding attention. But she is a lovable, extremely loyal and friendly little dog though a little on the pompous side at times.
We've had Pebbles for more than a year now and in that time she's gone from being a timid little dog that follows us around (she still does follow us around) to one that now acts like she's the queen of the house. She's so manja (pampered) these days that if she doesn't get what she wants, she'll go and sit in a corner and sulk. And she's good at sulking.
She knows how to make this incredibly pitiful face that you'd just melt and do all her bidding ... well, most of the time anyway. Both wifey and me are wise to her little tricks but she's so good at it that we always end up falling for it ... LOL!
These days, she's got wifey to hand feed her her dinner even. She's gone from just eating dog biscuits (which she totally ignores these days) to eating home made chicken and rice meals and her favourite JerHigh packed food (her favourite is chicken crumble in gravy). Those home cooked chicken and rice meals are cooked personally by wifey where she'll boil the chicken and then tear the chicken into strips and mixed it with rice and some gravy.
We feed her alternately between the home cooked meals and the packed ones and she always insists on making wifey hand feed her like a little child! Wifey will prepare her meal and put it in her dog bowl and she'll just come up to it, look at it, walk away and sit a few feet away from her bowl and won't eat her dinner until wifey has to go and feed her by hand and only then will she eat her dinner!
Gee, even I don't get that kind of preferential treatment! Maybe next time wifey prepares my dinner, I'll look at it, smell it and walk away too ... LOL! She really has gone from being just a pet to a spoiled brat. You should see the amount of treats she has lying around the house. And she knows those are her treats cos everytime she wants one, she'll come and look at me or wifey and then at her treats indicating that she wants one right this instant. Of course she doesn't always get her whims answered.
I think she's the only dog I know that must have breakfast. Every morning, after wifey and me come back from our running sessions, she'll wait for us to take our bath and then rush downstairs to eagerly wait for us to prepare her breakfast. Sometimes we'll be a little late and she'll give us this, I'm hungry already look and rush us to go downstairs. Like I said, she thinks she's the queen of the house ... LOL!
But queen or no queen, she is an adorable little dog. She's extremely loyal and doesn't really need much of anything except to be loved. She enjoys our company as much as we enjoy hers. Even right now as I type this post and listening to wifey's Samsung player, she's fast asleep right at my feet at the very edge of my chair that I don't dare move my chair for fear of rolling over her. She has this habit of sleeping or walking so close to you that half the time I'm almost tripping over her as she runs along between my feet.
She's very close to wifey and especially me, probably because I'm the first person she knew in this house. Every time wifey and me go out, we'd leave her with the boys and when we get back a little later than normal, she'll run to the gate and start barking at us as if to say,
'What took you guys so long'
And she would jump so high from excitement at seeing us. It's a sight to warm the heart :D But royalty, pompous or pampered, I don't think we could do without her around barking at the neighbors dogs, growling at the stray cats in the backyard or even just cuddling up between wifey and me as we watch TV. She's more than just a pet. She's part of the family now.
All Hail Queen Pebbles... kakkakakaa.. she surely got both of u under her paws laa.. hahhahahahahaa
ReplyDeleteYeah, Pebbles sure got you wrapped around her cute paws. :) But then, who wouldn't be... looking at her adorable eyes. :)
ReplyDeletehello..yes, Pebbles sure is cute.. my Labbie is cute too..big but gentle!:)
ReplyDeletePebbles!!!! Ha ha ha ha sure la have to pamper our furkids Nick, they are so fluffy and adorable and they know how to make "muka kesian", how to resist? :)
ReplyDeleteAnny - Oh yes, she has. She got us doing her bidding all the time like as if we're her slaves ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteLina - Yes, those eyes are hypnotizing la. She can get us to do anything with those eyes ... hehehe!
ReplyDeleteReanaclaire - I think all dogs are cute la, well except maybe for those bulldogs la ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteMarzie - Muka kesian is the right word. She has the muka kesian practised perfectly and use it everytime we go out ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteHow amazing dogs can manipulate human beings then we become their slaves right? :P
ReplyDeleteI think pebbles has turned human and she thinks she's a newborn baby because everybody in the house are big, lol!
ReplyDeleteXin - Yes, it really is. They have this certain spell in making us humans do their bidding ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteMarlene - Hahaha ... you might have a point there.
ReplyDeleteAiyo, spoilt, like Rusty. Have to feed home cooked food and sometimes I hand feed him also.
ReplyDeleteBT - You too? LOL! At least I'm not the only one to spoil my dog.