And the place has been so peaceful since ... LOL! Ok, I shouldn't be laughing about it but it's kinda funny to see her and the young fellow on a warpath. And they're both the kind that won't back down. Mother and son are both of the stubborn kind and it's fun waiting to see who's going to give in ... hehehe ...
Ok, this all started yesterday when the young fellow was a little bit over the limit and got a little too rude with her. Now, while wifey has patience, one thing she cannot stand is people being rude and coming from her own son makes it even worse.
My younger boy is a pretty chatty little fellow. He's also very short tempered and extremely sensitive not forgetting real stubborn. And he's the kind who is up to mischief the moment you take your eyes off him. He's also very defiant at times. And he must always have the last word.

When he's angry, he will scream at you, it doesn't really matter if he's right or wrong. When he's angry, he'll be explosive! I've been on the receiving end of his temper on so many occasions that I've lost count. But then, his mommy doesn't put up with his nonsense. And as far I'm concerned she's the only one who can keep him in check, well most times anyway.
And he knows that there are times when mommy is not to be pushed around too much. But the little fellow is also kinda smart. He knows mommy won't scold him or give him hell when there are other people around like my mom for instance. That's when he bullies her and gets away with it.
So, yesterday wifey and my mom were in the kitchen talking and the younger fellow walks up to the fridge, opens it and grabs this bunch of chocolate biscuits that I bought from Tesco on Saturday. The biscuits has been in the fridge since then and the chocolate layers got stuck together. Now this smart aleck decides to just bite into the whole pile.
That's when wifey tells him not to do that cos its totally unhygienic and maybe the rest of us might still want to eat the biscuits. I'm not really sure what happened cos I was at work and got the story from wifey when I got home but the hot tempered little fellow threw the biscuits back in the fridge, screamed at wifey for not letting him eat anything and angrily stomped out of there! Now, like I said, when there are people around, wifey doesn't really lose her temper with him. She lets him get his way.
But I know wifey very well and I know she would have been seething inside at his display of rudeness. But she continues talking to my mom and when she goes up later, she gives him hell and I think they both argued. So wifey tells him she's not going to speak to him anymore and that's when the cold war started between the two of them.
I come home in the afternoon to pick wifey for lunch and instantly can sense the hostility in the air. My younger boy is normally one noisy fellow and can never shut up. He'll either be asking a barrage of questions or singing or making some sort of noise but the moment I stepped into the room I could tell something was wrong. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop ... LOL! And the young fellow had this angry and sour look on his face and didn't say a word to me.
He changed into his school clothes, walked down and put his shoes on and waited for me to send him to school. And all the way in the car to school he doesn't say a single word. And wifey tells me the whole story later and how she says she's not going to talk to him all day for being such a disrespectful and rude boy! And the cold war extended to when he came home. They both refused to talk to each other.
But the good thing about this cold war was the peace and quiet. I mean, the moment the younger fellow gets home from school, the noise level would go up by ten folds but not yesterday. It was so peaceful with him not making a sound ... hehehe ... Both wifey and me were kinda amused with him as well. He wasn't giving in and wasn't going to make the first move to patch things up. Like I said, that boy can be really stubborn at times.
Well, they're both back to talking terms today. I don't know who gave in but when I was home this afternoon, the noise was back ... hehehe ... But it was so funny while it lasted to see mommy and son not on speaking terms. Wifey can be very explosive, strong willed and emotional at times and my younger boy got all his traits from her! And when they go head to head with each other, it's best to stand back a safe distance and watch the fireworks ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteThis is always fun to watch, but NEVER funny when it's happening to you. I remember when either of my siblings would argue with another, the rest of us will silently be laughing behind their backs, even the parents!
But it's a good thing that they've patched things up. :D
HEHE! I can imagine how amusing this is for you but imagine if you had been in the middle of things! Hhmm...actually I do have cold war with my mom more often than not. But most of the time, my mom will give in first..hehehe
ReplyDeleteOh I'm glad wifey and son are back on talking terms now. Was kinda worried while reading ur post, but happy to hear all's back to normal in Nick's world! :D
ReplyDeleteHe's a teenager eh, been there and isn't it great fun! LOL ;o)
ReplyDeleteI know I shouldn't be laffing but this is so funny. Peaceful at last ei nick? XD OMG.
*guilty as charge, I could be the rude kind if I'm in a really bad mood. But I don't really talk most of the time at home. I'm owez in my room. I love my peaceful surrounding. Just like my dad XD And I'm bad tempered like him too XD
Hmmmm... I never did like cold wars:(
ReplyDeleteIt's always depressing and cruel to those who were not even involved in the war in the first place (bystanders or audience).
If I did something wrong, I will definitely apologize and vice versa in the family:)
If it happens again, let me know the betting odds so I could put my life savings on the favorite. :-)
ReplyDeleteheheheeee...I thought it was you at first..
ReplyDeleteI'm sure your son will give in soon..hehe how long do you think a chatty person can refrain himself from talking?
That's cute! Yah,I know how kids can be like sometimes and they can drive us up the wall. I was going to tell you the cold war wouldn't last a day and yes, by the time I got to your last para, they have made up. :-) Good ending.
ReplyDeleteIt always end up like that in our cold wars at home too :-) Wouldn't even last for an hour!
Lol! That's just too cute (and I mean that in the best possible way lol!).
ReplyDeleteI think it was your kid who gave in 1st. When I was younger (which was not too long ago btw ;) ), and had the occassional cold wars w my mom, it was always I who spoke 1st coz I needed her to prepare my meal! So yeah, out of necessity I had to break the ice 1st ;)
So that's why i think it was your kid who spoke first :)
Geez I wish my daughters would stop speaking to me for a while. I could do with some peace and quiet :) They wouldn't last 5 minutes anyway because they always want something and would need to speak to let me know what it is they want. Their needs far outweigh their pride worse luck.
ReplyDeleteAha... coldness in the air.
ReplyDeletethe only person in my home capable of starting a cold war in my house is my hubs. Hate it when he does that, cos it's always even NOT my fault. He and his Permanent Mood Swing! Ish...
You won't believe this. I wanted to cook bergidil and I was looking for a recipe online. I googled under bergidil and tdad, your post (Boss for a day) was the first one lah. There's only one more. I am beginning to doubt if bergidil is spelled this way but anyhow, I'm gonna copy your recipe!!
ReplyDeleteI have been there before, more times than I want with the cold wars. I have two teen daughters and one is a real smart mouth. We both tend to have to get in the last word, so its never ending really, but sometimes i just give in! im not sure why, just to end the silly games i think.
ReplyDeleteAnd when we are not on speaking terms, I try and find ways to make her laugh so she wont be so mad anymore. My other daughter, is totally opposite. when she gets moody, we all kinda just stay clear, mainly because, shes such an easy going well behaved teen!
im glad everyone got it all worked out!
when i read about it, well i guess that's what teenager would be..and reflecting to myself when i was a teenage girl,i used to be rebellious and stubbornly won't speak with my mum especially when it came to mother-daughter problems. but now, i realize sometime whatever advice i had been given and the things that i ever ignored actually not to harm me but to guide me from the things that isn't right in me..but now, as i grew older, now i realize that sometimes the problems came from me. and the mother is just to help me to step in a right path...hehe
ReplyDeleteHaizum - LOL! It was amusing watching both of them give each other the cold shoulder. And the peace that came out of it, even if for a day was bliss ... LOL! That young fellow is back to his noisy mode again today ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteJen - It's never nice being caught in the middle of anything and I'm glad it wasn't me ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteMarzie - LOL! It's a normal thing with those two. But it was amusing while it lasted. And when that boy is sulking, the whole neighbourhood takes on a nice serene peaceful feeling ... hahaha ... but yeah, things are back to normal again :D
ReplyDeleteTammy, the thing is he's only 10 years old. I dread to think of how he would be like in his teens!
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, it's great fun, especially when you're the spectator ... LOL!
Maslight - I can't even begin to describe how peaceful it is when that boy is sulking. Not a peep out of him ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteI'm normally never rude but I can be bitingly sarcastic ... hehehe ... I love a peaceful surrounding too but with my younger boy around, there is no such thing as peace in his vocabulary ... LOL!
Christy - Well, as long as it doesn't involve it's okay la ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteBut you're right it isn't nice for the innocent bystanders at times.
I do apologize when I'm wrong too but if I think I'm right, then jangan harap that I will apologize :D
Gallivanter - Hey, that sounds like a great idea la. Maybe I could make some money out of it the next time and you'll be the fist to know buddy ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteKadus Mama - LOL! I really wouldn't want to get into a cold war with wifey la ...
ReplyDeleteWell, you're right, it didn't last long. It never does with that boy. He can't resist being quiet for too long. Both wifey and me gave him one day only and we were right ... hehehe ...
BT - I knew it wouldn't last more than a day too cos my younger boy is not the type to be quiet for too long. But the peace and quiet was nice while it lasted ... LOL!
ReplyDeletePerky - You're absolutely right. He was the one who gave in first and I'm sure he had thoughts of his food not being prepare that spurred him to break the ice ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteGypsy - Hahaha ... 'Their needs far outweigh their pride' ... that's always the case with kids, ya?
ReplyDeleteSame goes with my boy ... He's a feisty and hot tempered little fellow but he can't sulk for too long cos he's also the worlds biggest chatter box :D
Shern's Mom - 'Permanent Mood Swing' (LOL!) And I only thought women had those ...
ReplyDeleteWell, if it's any consolation, I've had cold war scenarios with wifey at times too ... hehehe ...
BT - Really? It was? Wow, cool ... hehehe ... Actually I'm not really sure of the spelling myself cos there are so many different ways I've seen it spelled.
ReplyDeleteHope the recipe turned out great :D
Kelly - My son is like that too. He's a real smart aleck at times and MUST always have the last word :)
ReplyDeleteNormally we just leave him be and he'll sooner or later quietly come back and start talking again ... hehehe ...
Sweet Girlicious - The thing is, he not a teenager yet. He's only 10 years old and so feisty already. His older brother who is in his teenage years is so much more different than he is. And hardly ever loses his temper.
ReplyDeleteYeah, mommy is normally always right :D
I bet it's your son who gave in. That happened to me whenever I have some sort of cold war with my parents. I always have to be THE ONE to break the ice. ~~>.<~~
ReplyDeletehehe.. he's so cute leh :-D good to know that they get back on talking terms!
ReplyDeleteI give my son the silent treatement too. Sometimes thats MORE poweful than words.
ReplyDeleteMy 2 boys can be really stubborn at times too. However, they just cant keep quiet. So even when they are angry with us for scolding them. They are silent for a while but will try to initiate a conversation not soon after. :)
ReplyDeleteEthel - You're right, the little fellow gave in first ... hehehe ... It's always the case cos he can't keep quiet for too long and besides his mommy has longer staying power ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteMonica - Well, it's not so good on my ears cos the noise is back ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteMeleah - Oh it is. That's one of the most powerful weapons around ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteJanice - That's kids for you Janice ... one minute quiet, the next jumping around like mad fellows ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteEh, how come got no new post here today? ;)
ReplyDeleteNick! After a loooooong time, I finally see u at my Top 10 Mariucans list la woo hoo! :D
hellow nick! my eldest sis has 3 boys (aged 9 to 16). She's been telling me (or rather pouring out her heart's content) about how her boys can be so rebellious! ;-) i don't want to imagine how my kids would be when they are teenagers.. hehe
ReplyDeleteNow, i get a glimpse of my future on cold war with Dot!
ReplyDeleteAnd i guess, i would be the one to give in first, because i simply can't stand keeping my mouth shut for too long!
Hi Nick.
ReplyDeleteI'm back from the netherworld! Thanks for dropping by. Just been a bit more busy than usual.
I know the kind of cold war you talked about. And yes, it can get really quiet...
Although I'm still a new parent (you've definitely got tons more experience, but I think your son needs to know that he can't get away with being rude or bratty, especially with people around or when you're out.
My daughter has been testing my wife and I, and my wife recently disciplined her, explaining the reason. Things have gotten better since.
Good weekend to you buddy!
hehehe.. spunky la your son! i didn't dare do that when i was a kid. i'll get slapped silly by my dad. haha. but as i grew older there were times when i'd get into really heated arguments with my mom. one time it got really heated and we ended up ignoring each other. the next day she summoned me into her room, read a passage from the Quran about how not to defy your mother and its consequences and that was it for me. LOL!
ReplyDeleteLOL! for a moment there I thought it was you whom your wifey was mad at! but then, I don't think she will be mad at you for too long (even if she was angry at you in the first place)... you just seem such a nice guy *grin*
ReplyDeleteMarzie - Really? Woohoo! At least now I don't have to sabotage all your other Mariucans ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteI'll come see in a bit :D
Oh, new post coming up later today. Don't miss it ... hehehe ...
Osindak - At that age kids are always rebellious ... I suppose it's just a natural thing for them. But it sure was fun watching the whole thing.
ReplyDeleteBut better him than me, I would say ... LOL!
KM - Well, there's still a long way to go for you. Your little fellow is still at that cute and adorable age. Wait till he grows up a little ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeletePerry - hey buddy, nice to see you around. Was wondering what happened to you. Glad you're okay.
ReplyDeleteThat's one thing that wifey and me are trying to change in that boy. His rudeness. Not to other people though. He's polite with them. It's just to us at home that he goes overboard quite a bit.
I guess it's due to his feisty nature.
A good weekend to you and your family too :D
Syura - Spunky, feisty, hot tempered and absolute stubborn too! LOL!
ReplyDeleteOh man, she did that? Gosh, lucky my mom didn't read the bible to me or anything. That would have been enough to put the fear of god in me ... hehehe ...
But then, I was never rude to my parents. I was the model child ... LOL! Being perasan here ... hehehe
Sting - I guessed as much ... hehehe ... No la, wifey and me don't have cold wars. We'd rather get it out and sorted out immediately than sit there and give each other the cold shoulder treatment. Not fun at all ...
ReplyDeleteMy younger son too having cold war with me. It's been a week already. It's killing me. :(:(
ReplyDeleteMolly - One week? Wow, that is a long time la ... my son can't stand to keep quiet for more than a day!
ReplyDeleteHope you guys start talking soon ... hehehe ...
That was too funny! Glad they're back on speaking terms... But glad you got some peace for a bit too. LOL
ReplyDeleteCorina - It was an amusing sight especially when it's not happening to you ... LOL! Yeah, the peace was welcome :D
ReplyDeleteHehehe It kinda reminds me of me and my mum... kalau already bergaduh I'll just sulk in my room the whole day and sometimes even skip meals to show how mad I am. Of course in the middle of the night, I'll be freaking hungry so I'll sneak in the kitchen and raid the fridge. Hahaha
ReplyDeleteRozella - LOL! yeah, the food or lack of, always makes one give in doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteoh how that reminded me of myself and my mom too when i was in my raging teenage years. but like the pepatah melayu, air dicincang tak akan putus....obviously i will always be the one to give in...after all, she was still my 'banker' that time LOL!
ReplyDeleteCarol - LOL! Banker and food maker too I would guess.
ReplyDeleteYeah, whatever it is, it's not normally the kids who give in first. Adults are more professional at sulking ... hehehe ...