Even though there is still some time left before the actual closing date for this contest, I'm pretty late in taking part and trying to figure out a name for this bear simply because of the huge number of other desperado's ... urrmmm ... I mean contestants with such incredible posts and names for this bear.
I feel intimidated by their entries. Take for instance, that no good scum, I mean good buddy of mine, Adrian and his entry called Marzipan. His post for this contest is so well thought out that it includes the rationale for the name, tons and tons of research and trivia about teddy bears. He really wants to win that bear.
Then take for instance, Ken. Now that fellow even wrote a poem out for his entry called Donnie. A poem for gods sake! I mean how do you top that when I can't even string three sentences that rhyme properly let alone write a whole poem. Then there's Nessa with her entry called Randy Rover and with not so subtle clues stating that the teddy bear belongs to her and only her! That girl has no shame whatsoever!
There's also a host of others with their entries for some remarkable and great names for the bear. And they're all such great names that I don't know what I can do, say, influence, lie, cheat or con my way into getting Marzie to see that the bear really needs to be given to me :D
So I named the bear Alexa. And there's a perfectly good and maybe not so rational rationale to the that. You see, I know Marzie for close to 2 years now. She's basically a very nice and decent girl except for that EVIL streak she has about tagging me with horrendously difficult tags! LOL! She was one of my first few commenter's when I first created this blog. She is the first one to have totally made me go stark raving crazing by giving me a taste of my first ever tag called the Alexa Train.
And boy, was it a tough one. It was so tough, much tougher than selling self defense products that I had sleepless nights just trying to figure it out. My social life was screwed. My family was neglected. My health went down the drain. I was on the verge of a total breakdown. I spent hours fretting trying to figure out how to do that tag (you do remember that tag don't ya, Marzie? LOL!).
There I was a newcomer to the blog world with hardly any clue how to even write a proper post and she goes and send a meme that would give Einstein or Hawking a run for their money. It was like rocket science to me. I was almost in tears fearing the shame that would befall me if I couldn't get the tag up. I sat and stared at the wall blankly for hours on end. Wifey just couldn't get through to me. I was inconsolable.
And slowly but surely, after endless nightmares, countless tears and almost pulling out all my hairs, I finally managed to get it done. Even though I was ecstatic and joyous, deep inside I was scarred for life. I was not the same person anymore. I wake up nights screaming in fright, soaked in sweat. And the nightmares keep coming back every night. I'm beginning to lose my mind.
Now, the only thing that could possibly help me regain my sanity would be to win the bear. It just might take away those awful nightmares. It just might give me back the life I knew. And you owe it to me Marzie for making me go insane trying to figure out that tag. And only Alexa, the Bear can slowly but surely bring some semblance of normalcy back to my life. It's only morally right that you give me the bear.

LMAO! Ok, ok, that was a little too overly dramatic and absolutely way over the top but hey, I want that bear, ok? And besides my mug needs a partner to keep it company anyway. Don't you know, good things comes in pairs? A bear and a mug. Just perfect. And at least you won't be feeling so guilty about the anguish you caused me with that tag by sending me the bear ... LOL! What do you guys think? Does she owe it to me to get my sanity back or what? :D
LOL! Having nightmares all because of some tags? LOL! LOL!
ReplyDeleteOk, I admit. Whenever I come across you and tags...I will definitely 'forced' to remember tags that have to do with 'most embarrassing' and 'most weirdest'. :P
Good luck, Nick!! I hope you win that bear! (tho I must admit, I love the name Marzipan..) Hahahaha!
ReplyDeleteYou definitely need the bear! Good luck! :o)
ReplyDeleteAt least you've come up with a name, never mind a poem, hehee! Alexa is a good name, but not a cute one for a teddy, lol! But the teddy is really cute with that t-shirt though.
ReplyDeleteI'm finally here Nick, lemme read ur WINNING post now he he!! :):):)
ReplyDeleteMuahahahhahahahhahaha!!! Thanks so much for a very funny read this Sunday afternoon Nicky!!!!
ReplyDeleteHe he wifey oso couldn't get through to u during that Alexa tag eh? Yeah la, I shall always remember that tag, seriously it was the most difficult one ever kan? And really, me too almost cried la doing it, but that time I had nobody to turn to (cause new to blogging kan?) so had to try and try and try to do the freaking links all by myself ha ha ha!!!!! :):):)
ReplyDeleteAnd since you were one of my first friends, tak kan la I leave you out in the cold right? Of coz I had to tag u then LOL!!!! Ha ha ha...funny la we all zaman dulu! Padahal it was seriously such an easy tag yes? Well, experience makes us better learners, now we are both experts at tags, that's why I must continue to tag you for all my tags and memes LOL!!!! :):):)
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for taking part in my contest, I shall add ur entry to the list now. Good luck to you Nick and wah...pandai la you put ur avatar inside the mug like dat!!! Fits perfectly too he he! ;)
ReplyDeleteOh and I love the name Alexa, very very clever choice of name with a wonderful reason behind the name too, great work Nick! :):):)
ReplyDeletewow, you REALLY REALLY want that bear!! :-)
ReplyDeleteEwah, ewah...creative nampaknya post anda ini! Where's Spiffy, I want to borrow his ray gun now!!
ReplyDeleteUmm... Nick. I actually have another tag for you. Hahahaha Don't shoot me! :P
ReplyDeleteCarol - Week and weeks of nightmares lagi! LOL!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, I send those most weird and most embarrassing tags your way don't I? LOL!
Ethel - I hope I win the bear too :D
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah (albeit grudgingly) Marzipan does sound pretty decent!
Tammy - Thanks Tammy, I need all the luck I can get to beat those other desperado's ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteMarlene - Yeah, I couldn't think of any other name. That name has a long story behind and Marzie would deifinitely relate to it ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteMarzie - Ah, the judge of the contest. Quick, quick, read already ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteMarzie - I'm glad it gave you a good laugh, now to repay my lost faith in humanity. Pick me as the winner! LOL!
ReplyDeleteMarzie - Difficult? It wouldn't have been easier trying to built a rocket ship than do that tag ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteI'm forever scarred by it ... hehehe ... till this very day, I see tags and my hearts skips 4 or 5 beats ...
Marzie - LOL! You're right though, it was an extremely easy tag looking back at it now but back then, it was like rocket science la ...
ReplyDeleteMarzie - Of course I had to take part in this contest. I just waited for everyone to post dulu cos then I can curi all their ideas ... LOL! Hey, I didn't say I wasn't a weasel ya? LOL!
ReplyDeleteMarzie - Well, I hope you love the name enough to send the bear my way. It would make a great (*hint, hint*) Christmas present ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteMarsha M - Is it that obvious? LOL!
ReplyDeleteEmila - Oh God! No! Not Spiffy and his ray gun! LOL!
ReplyDeleteRozella - A tag for me on a Monday morning? See, I told you Mondays just hates me! LOL!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tag.
*Spiffy, I need your ray gun!* LOL!
Psst.. so how, Nick. You won?
ReplyDeleteAlexa....sounds like a great name for a bear to me. I hope you win it. :o)
ReplyDeleteI've yet to figure out a name for the bear! :-D
ReplyDeletewow, sounds like you're so desperado over the bear. hope you'll win it.
ReplyDeleteEthel - No news yet, I still think the contest is open till early December ... siggghhh ...
ReplyDeleteSarcasm Is Just Around The Corner - Why thank you :D I hope to win it too ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteMonica - What? You wanna take part? Urrmm, the contest over oredi la ... hahaha ... ok, ok, I'm kidding, all the best to you but preferably I would advise to not take part and just let me win! LOL!
ReplyDeleteLife Ramblings - Me desperate over a bear? You can bet your bottom dollar I am ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteI wish I'd known about that contest because I actually collect teddy bears. Probably too late now eh? Well in that case I hope you win especially as you were so traumatised.
ReplyDeleteRomany Angel - Actually the contest is still open till early December. And I sincerely hope I win too ... :D
ReplyDeleteLOL! I had fun reading everybody's comments here! :)
ReplyDeleteYup, just a few days away from my closing date and then it's gonna be time to pick my lucky winner! All entries I received so far are awesome in their own way, how la to pick just one winner like dis? ;)
Buddy and you called me desperate!! LOL Alexa is a nice name for a "train"ed bear hehehe...okay so it took me a while to find something witty to say....Cheers bud and It's Firday It's Friday! :)
ReplyDeleteMarzie - I know how to solve your predicament of choosing the winner. disqualify all of them and just give the bear to me la! Senang kan? LOL!
ReplyDeleteAdrian - Ok, ok, I'm desperate but it's only fair that I get the bear after the anguish I went through with that Alexa tag, don't you think? LOL!
ReplyDeleteAnd Alexa is such a nice appropriate name too, you have to agree with that :D