Remember my mango tree? The one I posted about on two occasions? Yes, the very same one that my neanderthal neighbour was giving me hell about and was forever complaining that the leaves were being blown into his compound (like as if I was some kind of weather God and could control the direction of the wind) and that the tree might topple into his precious little house.
Because of his incessant complaining I decided on two occasions to chop off the branches with the latest being last year. I practically got the branches cut off completely that it was totally barren of leaves whatsoever. Well, its grown back into the beautiful shady tree that it once was. You can see the difference in the picture below and how it's grown back :D

This time, both wifey and me decided to not entertain anymore of his rantings and we're going to keep the tree as shady as it's meant to be. To hell with leaves being blown into his yard. He can take it up with the wind God if he has any issues with that.
Ok, now back to the main reason for this post. That mango tree has only produce fruits once in its entire existence and that was the first time we cut the tree. It was like revenge of the mango tree. It produced so many fruits that I started giving them away to anyone who wanted it, the grass cutters, the post man, the municipal people who passed by, anyone.
But that was it. After that period of about a few months, the tree stop producing fruits and has been like that for years. And I started missing having mangoes to eat. I love mangoes, especially the green ones that are not fully ripened yet. I would pluck them off the tree while they're still young, cut them and eat them with salt. Heavenly ... darn, I can feel my mouth salivating already!
That was when I wished the tree would bear fruits again. No amount of pleading, cursing or molly coddling make that tree produced even one single fruit. I had to resort to buying unripened mangoes to get my mango fix ... LOL!
But then today, I came home and wifey excitedly grabbed me and pointed to the tree.
'look, what do you see?' she said.
I looked at where she was pointing but for the life of me couldn't see anything at all.
'What am am I looking for?' I asked her.
'There, over there, do you see that mango fruit?' She said.
Even then, I still couldn't see it but after squinting and looking at the tree from all kinds of weird angles, I spotted a tiny little mango fruit hiding between the leaves. Heavens be praised! The tree is fruiting again. I was ecstatic! I was jumping up and down like a little boy. You can see how tiny the fruit is in the picture below.

I scanned the tree for more signs of fruits but that was the only one. But I needn't worry cos I also spotted more than enough ... urrmmm ... flowers or seeds or whatever you call it (see picture below) that would in turn become full grown mouth watering saliva inducing mangoes! My jaws are tightening up already from imagining the sourness of it :D

Oh god, I can't wait for it to sprout more fruits. I hope they don't keep me waiting too long. I don't think I'm going to need any Outer Banks vacation cos I'm going be sitting under my mango tree patiently waiting for it to bear some fruits. This time I'm not going to share or give my mangoes with anyone. Well, maybe I'll save some for you LP, just get that husband of yours to drive you to my house to pick them up before I swallow every single one of them ... LOL!
wow... cool tree.. shady one too.. good place to rest and as protection from hotty sun.. :)
ReplyDeleteHope the wind won't blow away all the tiny mangoes hehehe
ReplyDelete"although I wish we did" you mean the baby or the million bucks? My guess is the latter ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat did you feed your mango tree? From bare branches to a huge shady fella? Btw, pruning is good. Perhaps that spurred its growth...and it's bearing fruit.
Yay, the mango tree is back to bearing fruits. So don't you dare cutting its branches/leaves anymore. If not, dunno how long the mango tree will merajuk with you ;)
ReplyDeleteCOOL! I like fresh mangoes. Btw, are you going to plant durians and rambutans and mangosteens? Oh I love mangosteen! :)
ReplyDeleteOh, that's good news I suppose. You might want to wrap the mangoes with paper like what lots of people do, though...
ReplyDeleteorh mangoes!!! I miss 'Kei Tak Sek' Mango Lou in SS2. *drooling*
ReplyDeleteFyzal - It is. That's why we're not going to trim it anymore even if the neighbour complains ...
ReplyDeleteSoulie - LOL! I hope not. I'd be one very disappointed man if that happened!
ReplyDeleteMei Teng - LOL! The millionaire bit la.
ReplyDeleteI just leave it be. I think the soil there is pretty fertile la. I hope there'll be loads of fruits again soon :D
Perky - Yay! This time I'm just going to leave it wild and free to grow :D
ReplyDeleteThe Real Mother Hen - LOL! Where got space la? Look at my front yard, I'd be lucky to put a pot of flowers there let alone all those trees you mentioned!
ReplyDeleteOh and I love mangosteens too :D
Terra Shield - At the moment the fruit is so small, I don't dare touch it la ... hehehe ... Actually why do they wrap up those fruits ah?
ReplyDeleteSamantha - Urrmmm, what's Kei Tak Sek ah? My Chinese not very good la, in fact it's non existent ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteAnd I haven't been to SS2 in years!
Wahhh!!! I want a mango tree! I mean I want mangoes. Nick, if I were your neighbour and the mango terjuntai pigi rumahku, I'll grab it XD kekekeke sot~
ReplyDeleteJeruk mangga sedap @_@ *imagines, *drooling~
I don't know for sure, but my mom says it's to prevent from 'evil-eyes' ;)
ReplyDeleteits a really great blog about mangoes trees and mangoes, i have 2 trees of mangoes in back side of my house, they give delicious mangoes every year, now the season of mangoes going to start here in pk. i think this year mango tree will give us more mangoes, i like mangoes very much, mangoes with cream with yogurt and mangoes shakes i like very much.
oh the mango season is here again!!
ReplyDeleteYay! You will be able to have your mangoes soon Nick. Your mango tree must have heard your wish..:)
ReplyDeleteya..ya!! I remember your crazy 'Tree Hater' neighbor!!! can show off your mango to him and don't give me any of it!! hahahaa Give the postman or other people apart of him!! hahahahaaa
ReplyDeletei have this same mango tree in my garden here.. hahahhaa.. and the leaves are driving me wild.. hahhahaha.. even if we sweep everyday... a same amt of a lotta leaves is on the ground the next day.. *LOL*
ReplyDeletethis tree sort of fruits... a lot.. and then its takes a looooooong breather... then it fruits again after a few years.. hahahhaa.. weird eh? now our tree is so high up... the fruits are UP THERE i think cos i find all these eaten fruits on the ground.. hahhahhahaa.. lotta birds up on the tree eating them fruits :D
ReplyDeleteI do remember when you cut the branch of the tree and of course your crazy neighbor. And how dare you show that little mango, now I can feel something sour in my throat already, lol! But it won't be long, soon I'll get my share, hahaa! And your neighbour must be dying of envy anytime so you better watch out.
ReplyDeleteeh?? silap komen lah..don't give *him...not me..hahaha
ReplyDeleteMaslight - LOL! No need la, if you're my neighbour I'll just let climb the tree and take the fruits la. It's only my neanderthal neighbour that I have issues with.
ReplyDeleteOhhh yes, jeruk mangga ... my mouth salivating just thinking about it ... LOL!
Terra Shield - That's the same story I heard too but I think maybe it's to keep birds from destroying the fruits.
ReplyDeletePakistani Mangoes - Hey, welcome to my blog. I actually only like mangoes in its raw form. Once it's mixed with stuff, I'm not too keen ...
ReplyDeleteMonica - I'm not sure but I hope it is :D
ReplyDeleteMama Mia - I wonder if I wished for a million bucks it would grant my wish too or not. LOL!
ReplyDeleteKadusmama - LOL! That's exactly what I intend to do. I'll purpose give the Alam Flora guys right in front of his eye ...
ReplyDeleteAnny - LOL! Yeah, the leaves do the same thing here but somehow by some miracle I never have to sweep them cos they all magically get blown away somewhere ... hahaha!
ReplyDeleteAnny - Yeah, when it fruits, it just won't stop and then when it stops, it'll be easier to get water from stone than to expect it to fruit!
ReplyDeleteMarlene - LOL! I'm actually looking out at that itsy bitsy fruit everyday hoping it'll grow big soon :D
ReplyDeleteKadusmama - LOL! No worries, I silap comment loads of times too :D
ReplyDeletenick.. just to remind you.. you still have to observe the leaves if they go to your neighbor's compound, I just afraid if you neighbor take a suit against you for trespass..
ReplyDeleteFyzal - Thanks for the tip :D I'll be sure to keep an eye on that ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteI love mangoes - one of my favourite fruits! And I like it sweet and sour, not just sweet.
ReplyDeleteYour poor neighbour always have to sweep his house compound to get rid of those mango tree leaves! You should give him some mangoes for giving him all the trouble! haha!
Foong - The leaves don't really fall into his compound la, he's just an idiot! LOL!
ReplyDeleteNevermind, one is better than none. It's a good start!
ReplyDeleteBT - I have to agree :D