Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ring, Ring, Telephone Ring ...

There's so many things happening that I'm going out of my mind right now, work wise that is. My partner has gone overseas to attend a printing exhibition and I'm left with taking care of the office and also his clients and I'm going crazy at the moment juggling his work and mine.

My cell has been continuously ringing nonstop and I really mean nonstop that I seriously want to take it and flush it down the toilet. I would too if my darn cell phone didn't cost an arm and a leg! Good god, how does he handle his time and his clients? No wonder he's perpetually running around trying to satisfy one client after another ... urrrrmmm ... somehow that doesn't sound right ... LOL!

I'll be glad when he comes back this weekend so I can hand all his clients back to him. They give me grieve. I'll bet some of his clients will be complaining about me to him cos I'm a no nonsense kinda person. If I say no, it can't be done in that time frame, I really mean no, it can't be done whereas my partner is more of the, 'ok, I'll try to get it done for you' kind of person.

I don't put up with much crap from people these days. I think his clients will probably be happier when he comes back cos I don't babysit them like he does! Oh crap, there goes my phone again!

So, if you don't see me online for a bit, it doesn't mean I've been kidnapped by some funny aliens in a space wagon like some people think or even gone away to a faraway island somewhere (how I wish), it's just that I'm stuck sitting here answering calls after calls like as if I'm working in some free online dating site. Maybe I should just put my cell on silent for the rest of the day?


  1. so there you are... *RINGGGGGGGGGGGG RING*

  2. are you sure the aliens were not funny fellas?

  3. When are you going overseas pulak? XD

  4. Yeah switch off the phone terus, no need to keep on silent ha ha.. so busy with ur biz, seriously think it's high time for u to take a break, rejuvenate and come back even more ready to make more money! Take it easy and have a good weekend! :)

  5. Lucky i do not deal with adult I have the privi to put my cell phone to silent mode almost every day. Ha!

  6. I've wanted to throw my cellphone out the window too. Hope things calm down for you shortly.

  7. Anny - LOL! Yes, I'm still around busily answering phone calls!

  8. Anny - Actually I'm pretty sure they were funny little aliens ... LOL!

  9. Marzie - Cannot switch off phone during office hours or else no business which means no money and I'll be even grumpier ... LOL!

  10. Carol - Gee, how I envy you. I knew I should have become a teacher ... LOL!

  11. Meleah - LOL! I would throw mine out but it did cost me an arm and three legs to get my cell phone though.

  12. Yeah
    In fact, all the gifts of progress have own pros and cons
    i don't think that you can live without your cellphone;)

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