Tag No. 1 - The Face Behind The Blog
Janice was the one who tagged me to reveal the face behind the blog. And as unlikely as it may seem, even though I work in an advertising agency equipped with all the fancy tools of the trade and all its sophisticated high tech computers and scanners, for the life of me, I don't have a single photo of myself saved online or on my hard disk (it's the truth, I tell ya ... LOL!) So, short of not displaying anything, I decided to post an image (of what I'd love to look like) with some description of what I really look like (and the description is the only thing that's absolutely accurate, btw ... hehehe). The image on the other hand isn't though :) Use your imagination ... hehehe ...

(Click image for larger view)
Blog Title : Anything Goes!
Description : A slightly 'off centre' person with a place to post his gibberish rantings.
Why "Anything Goes!" : Why not :)
Name : Nick Phillips
Country : Malaysia
Occupation : Urmmm, high class dispatch person. LOL!
Email : Do I have to?... hehehe ...
Birthday : Somewhere in the month of March
Fav Color : Aquamarine
Fav Drink : Coffee, what else!
Fav Fruit : Green apples
Fav Dessert : Urmm, none actually. Not the dessert kinda person.
Hobbies : Reading, Running & Sleeping (Can't say blogging cos it's an addiction, not a hobby ... LOL!)
Some of the blogs that I know which put up picture(s) of me are : I have absolutely no idea, not that there any pictures of me out there anyway ...
Okay, get ready people cos you're gonna be revealing your faces next :)
- Adrian of First Time Dad
- Hui Sen of Brain Spillage
- Seiche
- Lis of About-every-little-thing
- Diamond of Nonsense, fun, tears, happiness and anger all roled into one
Post a short article and include your photograph (or more if you want to). If you already have a pix online somewhere, the get creative with a new one :)
Next include the link to the others who have displayed their pix, or even include their pix in your post, adding a reference to it.
So far, these are the brave ones :)
Gayla at Mom GadgetChar at Essential KeystrokesPaul at Reflections Rob at 2DolphinsZep at The In-Sect Ingo at StixsterStevie at Lost In Cyberspace The Paper Bull at (oddly enough) The Paper BullLisa Sabin-Wilson at Just A Girl In The WorldDawud Miracle at dmiracle.com Wendy Piersall at eMoms at Home The Beta News Randa Clay at Randa Clay DesignDrew McLellan at The Marketing MinuteBecky McCray at Small Biz Survival Phil Gerbyshak at Make it Great!Steve Woodruff at StickyFigure Dave Olson at Live the GREAT life that you desireGreg at Become a Remote Control SEOAriane Benefit at Neat Living Blog Genesis at the At Home Mom BlogArmen at iFFECT.NET Mihaela Lica at Online Public RelationsTara at Graphic Design BlogDoris Chua at Home Office Women Edward Mills at Evolving TimesTony D. Clark at Success from the Nest Jonathan-C Phillips at SmartWealthyRichKaren at A Deaf Mom Shares Her WorldLisa Gates at intrinsic life design Rammel Firdaus at rammelfirdaus.comCarol at Pentimento Adam Kayce at Monk at WorkThomas at Technical BloggerTammy Lenski at I Can?t Say That! Chris Brown at Branding & Marketing Rory Sullivan at HamelifeDerek Wong at Going The Wong WayEmbuck at embuck.comMs. Q at QMusings Shelly Tucker at This Eclectic Life Steve at Ramblings from the MarginalizedTroy Worman at on!blogLilith at Lilith’s Owl NestRevov at REVO-OVER Karin at Stop/Start Jamy at Seay's Kopitam this is a miracle Anything Goes!
The final step is if you do link back to me, then do send me a buzz and I'll be sure to include links back to you. Easy, ya? So, go ahead, post that picture already :)
Tag No. 2 - Ten things I hate!
This tag I owe to Jean. I'm supposed to list 10 things I hate, can that include all the people I hate? LOL! Well, here's some of the things I truly, absolutely, positively, most definitely hate :
- Food I hate : Anything that's from inside an animal !! Urgghhh !!!
- Fruit I hate : I would have to say pineapples. Looks too dangerous to eat :)
- Veggies I hate : Petai (is that even a vegetable?)
- Celebrities/People that I hate : Paris Hilton, Paris Hilton & Paris Hilton.
- Event/Situation/Incident that I hate : Working, but the bills have to be paid ... sigghhhhhhh!!!!!
- TV shows/movies that I hate : Those bad Malay soaps. Man, you should hear the dialogue ...
- Music I hate : Dangdut!
- Household chores that I hate : taking out the garbage.
- Things that you hate around the world : War. Give peace a chance!
- Things that you hate about yourself : Laziness.
nessa lavender johnmjustice cbenc12 ann clemons
Tag No. 3 - The Love Link!
The final tag I have is a love link from both Nessa and Bobo. Writing just a paragraph wouldn't do justice to them at all, go visit their blogs and you will see what I mean :)
1. Write a short paragraph at the beginning of your post and link back to the blog that put you on the list.
2. Copy the list of originals below COMPLETELY and add it to your blog. If you would like a different keyword for your blog then change it when you do your post and it should pass to most blogs with that keyword.
3. Take the adds from the blog that added you and place them in the 'Originals' list.
4. Add at least 1 new blog that you KNOW is using the DO FOLLOW plugin to the list in the 'My Adds' section. (Add no more than 5!) Let the people you've added know, so that they can keep the list going.
My Adds:
Brain Spillage
Anything Goes! Nessa Mariuca This is a Miracle Revellian d bImBo Secret of Mind A Great Pleasure Little world of thoughts Renisphere mott's island Kev's Walkabout iBubbs woof Down Memory Lanes Woof & Arf Lovely Mummy Bubba Stuff Mommibee Moments in My Life Rambling Moo All about Zara & Zaria Hip n cool momma Random Thoughts of a Blur Mommy Mylittleanelqianyi Bits & Pieces De’moments chinneeq Giddy Tiger Huei Rabbit Rinnah Simple America Niceheart Ethel Sanna The Queer Chef Shoshana Leahgina Haze GheeNeng aka Sirena Angelo Ju aka The Border aka Juana of Femjo Tina Keep the Faith jsonvlog Suncoast Scribe Blogging Kenneth My 2 Centavos Worth Manila Mom 3 Dogs, 3 Pigs and A Family Cafe Romanza Earn Global Credit Ability Macuha Flee the Cube Smart Wealthy Rich MomReviews.net Fellow Eskimo Pajama Mommy Amanita.net WebStyle Meredith’s Weight Loss Blog Pink Blog Tricia’s Musings Ugh!!’s Greymatter Honeypot Midlife Musings Utterly Geek Whatever I Feel Like My Dandelion Patch Surviving NJ GeekySpeaky Simple Kind Of Life 3DayMom BuyMeBlog The Hockey Dad Confessing Girl Dani Jesse
Ahem Dude! That is not you! Where is the real you? Do you want me to post your pic for you? You know which one Muahhahahaha
ReplyDeleteAnd don't forget to include me in your tags list too :) please! hehe
ReplyDeleteDude! I've already put my celebrity look alikes on my blog at http://eddiejohn66.blogspot.com(free plug mah)...doesn't that count fer nuthin! LOL
ReplyDeleteDude! I've already put my celebrity look alikes on my blog at http://eddiejohn66.blogspot.com(free plug mah)...doesn't that count fer nuthin! LOL
ReplyDeleteHi there,
ReplyDeleteI saw your blog on the Technorati Faves Train list and added to my favorites on Technorati.
I'd appreciate if you can do the same.
You just need to click on the following link: http://technorati.com/faves?add=http://www.cafefernando.com
No need to approve this comment :)
Many thanks!
Dude, of cos that's not me la :) One can only dream rite? What pic? You got incriminating pics of me? Don't make me go there and smack you now Homer!!! LOL!
ReplyDeleteChecked your celebrity look alikes, I think they forgot Arnold Schwarzenegger la ... do I get a free lunch for that? LOL!
Nick! I'm not a fan of petai either and hey... I forgot all about dangdut LOL! ;)
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, it's great that u tagged Adrian on the Face behind the Blog thingy... Homer..come out come out wherever you are! :D
No way! I'm camera shy!
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize so many people didn't show their faces! :))
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mariuca it would be great to see Adrian! Marathon man you're a hunk! :)
Thanks for the tag!
I meant to say you look like a marathon man! LOL! I left that part out! Someone is working too hard!
ReplyDeleteThanks again!
Marzie, how could you forget dangdut? LOL! It drives me up the wall listening to it.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Homer, come out, come out wherever you are !!!
Lis, Camera shy? Well, I'm the same, that's why I don't have any pictures of me online at all ...
Ann, How I wish I did look like a real marathon man, at least then that would justify all the running I've been doing ...
Hey Bud, don't try to butter me up about me looking like Arnie...I look much better LOL
ReplyDeleteMarzie and Ann! Hmmm...isn't it better if I remain a mystery? LOL
Homer, we want your pix! Homer, we want your pix! Homer, we want your pix! Buddy, hurry, I can't keep your adoring fans at bay any longer ... argghh, no, no, help ... hehehehe ...
ReplyDeleteGotta give me a little time over this mate. I'll do this from Singapore cos I gotta do some running around before I jump on the bus south!
ReplyDeleteWhere is NICK? That is not NICK.... What I imagine of NICK is so MUCH BETTER than that man.... LOL....
ReplyDeleteLooks like this tag still cant get to see you huh...hmmmmmm :) :)
I sure know you will tag Adrian...hahaha :D
Hui Sen, no probs buddy. Take your time. You're going to Singapore again? Cool ...
ReplyDeleteJanice - what to do, I really don't have any pix of me la, like Lis said, I'm camera shy too ... LOL! Of cos I'll give it to Adrian, I'm sure he has pictures of himself ...
LOL! Homer! Homer! Expose yourself!! LOL!
ReplyDeletenick, u hate petai? i love it when it's cook wt sambal. but i can only eat the most 5-7 petai. yes, it's 5-7 biji petai, not the whole stick. If i eat too much, i'll have foul pee.. :P
Hey Nick...thanks for the tag. Will take care of it tomorrow. I have been regrouping and now I am back..
ReplyDeleteLOL! I am not a big Paris Hilton fan either, but you REALLY aren't! I do the same thing when I get tagged! I usually sit on them for a week or so before I get around to reposting! Remember that in case you ever tag me! P.S.-I like the non-picture of you! Very funny! Take care!
ReplyDeleteWow Nick. That's quite a mouthful :)
ReplyDeleteJean, I definitely cannot stand petai cooked in any form whatsoever, especially the smell. I'd feel like puking! Yeah, Homer, come on, time to expose yourself ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteDiamond - You're welcome, was wondering what happened to you. glad to have you back.
Barrett, We're all procrastinators in some form or other. I think I still have one or two more tags to do. Yeah, I like the non-picture of me too ... hehehe ... Down with Paris Hilton! Down with Paris Hilton ... LOL!
Sharon, mouthful is an understatement. My fingers hurt from all that typing ...
Ha ha ha, Homer time to expose yourself indeed!
ReplyDeleteNick, my sister once tricked me to eat petai by hiding it in my rice!! It was NOT a pleasant experience at all! LOL ;)
Marzie, I know how that feels, I had a friend who put liver (gross) in instant noddles and said it was beef and I, like the stupid blur case that I am, actually ate it and was chewing nicely until I finally realized what it was ... arggghhh!!
ReplyDeleteTagged! Ack!! LOL
ReplyDeleteOK, got a regular feature tommorrow, so will let rip with the hatred on monday - Oh, good day for it!
Cheers Mate!
Lavender - take your time with the tag, as long as it's finally posted ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha ha, I can just imagine ur face when you found out it wasn't beef! Liver in instant noodles... how did that taste?
ReplyDeleteAnd u know la the petai taste and smell, hard to get rid off, spoiled my appetite the whole day! :)
Marzie, it tasted like @#$%$^%^*&! and that good buddy of mine had a hand in it as well. I couldn't believe I fell for it when they told me it was beef! Man, I was really gullible in those days ... (Adrian, I'm still so gonna get you for this. LOL!)
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for the link love. Its great to see the list still alive and that it has traveled so far.
ReplyDeleteI recently moved from www.petersen-inc.dk to www.thebetanews.com and changed name from Petersen Inc (which I use as a private blog now) to The Beta News.
Could I persuade you to do me a favour? Change the name from Petersen Inc to The Beta News and the link to: http://www.thebetanews.com/the-face-behind-the-blog/
Thank you very much :-)
Ha ha ha, why am I not surprised that ur buddy had a hand in it?!! But hey, if u do get him back, at least he can't get mad at you! So what are u planning to do? ;)
ReplyDeleteHey Dennis - thanx for the heads-up. Will change the link as advised.
ReplyDeleteMarzie - We've pulled some pretty nasty stunts on each other before. I haven't thought of an idea just yet, but I most definitely will and it's gonna be something so evil even Megatron would be proud off ... LOL!
Nick, after ur buddy tagged u AGAIN on the Face behind the Blog, I bet ur really gonna make him pay for it now! You guys make me laugh :):)
ReplyDeleteOh, that filthy boy is so going to pay for this, Marzie! I just gotta think of something really devious la ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteLOL! Ok, if u DO do somethin' devious don forget to write about it! ;)
ReplyDeleteMarzie! You little she-devil you! :) On my blog you encourage me to get Nick to post his pic and on his blog you encourage him to get even with me for doing just that! Ohhhh you are so devious! me like! LOL
ReplyDeleteNick! She's out to get us both! And having fun doing it too! LOL HMmm maybe we should get nasty with her! LOL Lets think up something and Marzie we'll be sure to post it! LOL
Oh no Adrian u caught me ha ha ha!!! Of course I've to bug Nick, u did put liver in his noodles what! ha ha ha.. but i know u Adrian, being so sweet and all u just wont have the heart to get me back! HUGS for both of u for being such cool buddies :):):)
ReplyDeletePS. And I still want to see Nick's pic LOL! ;)
Marzie, If I do something devious to that good buddy of mine, the whole blogsphere is gonna know ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteAdrian, hmmm, you could have a good point here buddy. LOL! Call me and we'll discuss some devious stunt for her in return ... LOL!
Hi love reading your answers on the HATE Tag.. What makes it so interesting is that i am the original you made that tag.. wow it went around the world wohooo..
ReplyDeleteJennyL, oh, so you're the culprit who started this? LOL! just kidding. Thanx for dropping by ...