Well, after getting the food, we got home and as I came out of my car, I heard this meowing next to me. I looked around and there was this little cat looking at me. I'm not a fan of animals mind you (Adrian, you don't count ... LOL) but this little fellow was kinda cute. Actually I don't know if it was a fellow or a girly, didn't check ... hehehe ... My wife took a liking to him/her and went and played with the little kitty for a bit before we went in.

The kitty decided he wanted to follow us in, nothing doing. Like I said, I'm no fan of animals, so I closed the door thinking the little fellow would go away. I went and took my bath, came down to eat and I could hear some meowing outside the door. I opened the door and look and what do you know, the little fellow decided to camp right outside my front door on my welcome mat. He took a liking to my welcome mat and was rolling around playfully on it.

I was enthralled by it and sat there to observe the little fellow. When he saw me, he started to paw at me through the grill door. I sat there for about 45 minutes playing with the little fellow and trying to take some snaps of him. Not an easy task, especially with a cell phone camera and an extremely playful cat which didn't want to sit still. I did get a few usable shots but forgive the quality. Even after photoshoping it, this was the best I could get out of it.

Anyway, the little fellow got bored of playing with me and decided that it was time to sleep and just snoozed right there across my front door ignoring me altogether. I guess he's probably going to be there tomorrow morning when I wake up. I hope my mom doesn't step on him when she comes back later tonight. Well, when I woke up this morning, the little rugrat was still camping out on my front door welcome mat. I hope he wasn't expecting me to make him any breakfast or anything ... LOL!

He was so playful and when wifey went out to hang the laundry, he started rubbing himself on wifeys legs (now I'm convinced that it's a male ... LOL!) I think he just wanted attention but unfortunately we couldn't keep him, so wifey (the brave one in matters like this) grabbed him and we put him out at the back of our house where there is this whole community of stray cats for him to hang out with instead of making my door mat his home.
Oh my god, I just remembered something. I think I forgot to take off those silver silver cufflinks from my sleeves. Hope wifey hasn't started the washing machine yet .....
'Hoooonnnneeeeyyyyyyyy ........!'
Aww.. the cat is soo cute...it probably took a liking to your house.. You spent 45mins with him and you say you're not an animal lover? Hmm... cats can be quite distracting eh..
ReplyDeleteA little tip, if you don't him to hang around, don't ever feed it..
Aiya, I wish you could keep him. I don't have any cats but I like them. Funny, afew of the blogs that I always read have cat stories these couple of days. Mine too :-)
ReplyDeleteYou should've called me and I'll be over to get the cute. He's awfully cute for a stray cat!
ReplyDeleteMy cat is an excellent rat-catcher! :D
Awww.. isn't the little "fellow" adorable! I don't think I'd have the heart to close the door on it. I'm not saying that you don't have a heart.. just... just.. oh, you know what i mean! :D
ReplyDeleteCats always make good choices in who THEY want to adopt - don't be suprised if he/she reappears on your doorstep. A saucer of milk would be nice. hehehe
ReplyDeleteI would gladly take it from you if I weren't allergic to cats.. :(
ReplyDeleteEeeehhhhh so cute lah!! Are you gonna keep it???
ReplyDeleteLady Java, he was kinda cute la ... LOL! Besides, he was so adorable that I had to sit and play with him for a bit ... Oh, wifey told me the same thing about not feeding him.
ReplyDeleteBT, yeah, I've been to those sites too. Maybe it's cat season or something ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteSweetiepie, now you tell me ... LOL! He was cute, and such a playful little character too ... I'm sure you'd have loved him :)
ReplyDeleteI can imagine you cat with a rat in its mouth! Gross ... LOL!
LOL Shemah, I know what you mean ... Yeah, my wife found it hard to close the door, but the little fellow seemed to be snugly enjoying the welcome mat, so we knew he'd be okay.
ReplyDeleteJosie, that's what wifey told me too. I'm honoured that he chose me, but the little fellow is off running around in my back yard with this whole cat community we have there ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteRatu Syura, you're allergic to cats? What a pity, if not I would have sent him to you :D
ReplyDeleteCindy, no la, not going to keep him. With the rising cost of food, I can't afford an extra mouth to feed ... LOL! But wife is missing him though!
ReplyDeleteAww..such adorable cat! I hope he'll find comfort with his new stray family.
ReplyDeleteIf that was my house, that kitty would already have a name.
ReplyDeleteI'm a sucker for a cute face.
i adore dogs and even cried because o f them but not cats la..i feel so geli when they start to come near you and start to rub at your legs.
ReplyDeleteis this a paid post arr?
ReplyDeleteEmila, I saw the cat this afternoon when I went for lunch with wifey and the little fellow didn't give two hoots to us at all. Probably happy with his newfound friends ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteAb, you know, wifey and me named all the stray cats behind our house and I was tempted to name the lil fellow but we didn't want to get to attached to it. Underneath my manly macho exterior, I'm a softie at heart ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteDeanea, yup, I'd have to agree with the 'start rubbing against the legs' part. I'm inclined to feel ticklish too. I'm not too keen on animals, nothing against them but I'm just too lazy to look after one. Wife wants a dog though!
ReplyDeleteCbenc12, the cat story is true, I just sneaked in the sponsored link at the last para ... hehehe
ReplyDeleteWhat a delightful tale! So cute how you were enthralled by this kitty cat, too bad you couldn't keep it!
ReplyDeleteOh and I tagged u too, been ages since I last tagged you LOL! :)
Marzie, I was enthralled, strange, huh? Seeing as how I'm not too fond of animals ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's been a while since the last tag, I thought you forgot ... lOL!
Im anti-pet too, but this cat is too cute to pass up.
ReplyDeletehope you got your cuff links back...
I'm scare of kitty. Luckily I don't have such encounter. I will scream & run man.... LOL :)
ReplyDeleteJanice Ng
Yuwie.com ~ invite friends ~ get paid
such a cute cat! Cats tend to be very sulky. Ask marzie, she have a handful of experience! :)
ReplyDeleteJean Chia
that unexpected visitor or yours is really cute, and how about this unexpected visitor now, what do you think of him nick? what do you think? hehehe
ReplyDeleteAwww..you got to keep him!!
ReplyDeletemeleah, yeah, my wife wanted to go get him back but he was having fun with his newfound family, so we left him be. At least we still get to see him in our back yard with the gang :)
ReplyDeleteJanice, I'm scared of cats too, wifey had to do all the work of carrying him and putting him behind, I just stayed back and give instructions only ... LOL
ReplyDeleteJean, he was cute and very playful. Yeah, I'm sure Marzie got plenty experience with cats ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteLord Manila, the cat was definitely cute ... I don't know about any other unexpected visitors though ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteDiamond, he seems to be happy with his new found gang in my back yard ... he doesn't give two hoots about me now ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteWhy couldn't you keep him?
ReplyDeleteMP, I don't think we'd have been good 'kitty parents' to the lil fellow. Looking after the 2 boys is already a handful ... LOL