How about getting then some nice cool looking Holiday Frames. Just tell them you think it would make them look cool and feel like a superstar. Who knows, they might even just forgive you for being a cheapskate ... LOL!
Ok, ok, I know I'm not really making any sense here but I just must do this. I need the cash to finance my new house changeover project I mentioned in my earlier post (well, earlier as in 5 minutes ago ... LOL!), so please bear with me while I tell you about this. After all, you guys want me to be happy and not be a grouch this year now, don't you? LOL!
As I was saying, in case you haven't bought your gift yet, you can always check out Zenni Optical and their line of cool looking holiday frames. And don't worry, since you're a cheapskate anyway, these frames won't make you go broke or anything cos they're so affordable that they start from an all time low cost of $8.00 for a huge selection that includes Sunsensor (Potochromic) lenses, Tinted Sunglassess lenses, Single Vision lenses, progressive lenszes, Bifocal lenses and many more.
Well, what are you waiting for you cheapskate, head on over to Zenni Optical already and get that pair of cool looking holiday frames right now! This instant even! And if you're planning to get me one, well, I want this funky looking camouflage frame ... hehehe ...

Happy New Year to you and your family!
ReplyDeleteDiamond - Thank you :D A Happy New Year to you and your family too ...
ReplyDeleteI got no present for xmas.. :( sad kan???
ReplyDeleteWhat you got for xmas Nick??
those are super coolness!
ReplyDeleteOh and Happy New Year to you and your family!
ReplyDeleteKadus Mama - What? No presents for you? Gee, how cruel can some people be ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteWell, I didn't get any either so you're not alone ... LOL!
Meleah - They are aren't they? I could go jungle trekking and my glasses would blend right in ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteMeleah - A Happy New Year to you and your family too :D
ReplyDeleteTalking about these optical frames, I'm very picky. It usually ends up being costly *sigh. It's not my fault. It is time for me to get a new one. Ogie fine eventhough I've already have like 3. But 1 is going to break anytime soon, 1 is too thick, 1 is for driving at nite (yes I'm a "blind").
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should invest in some contact lens? But contact lens are costly and it doesn't last as long as glasses. You know how you use em glasses till it breaks? I do that XD
Maslight - You have 3 glasses? Wow! I definitely need glasses but am just too stubborn to go get one ... hehehe ...