Even my other two blogs have been neglected the past week though I do blog hop quite a bit to your blogs just to see what you guys have been up to. It's only when I come to my own blog, I'm a total blank. I guess it's probably due to some personal things happening in my life that's playing havoc with my inspiration to blog. Well, the fact that I've got a lot less assignments doesn't help my mood either ... hehehe ...
So today, I decided to drag my lazy ass to sit here and try to post something, anything at all that would make some sense and to make an appearance in my own blog just so you guys know I'm still alive and have not been abducted by that crazy Spiff, The Spaceman fellow... LOL!
Ok, what's been happening in my part of the world since last week? Well, not much really. It's the same old get up, go to work, get stressed out by demanding clients, then head home, watch TV and try not to fall asleep on the couch routine day in and day out. Both wifey and me have also cut back on our going out these days cos things really are getting to be too pricey recently.
Even the boys are complaining we don't go out for dinner as much as we used to do. Well kiddo's, the price of eating out these days are not as cheap as before and besides, I can cook you guys more or less the same food you can get out there for a fraction of what they charge and it's much healthier and cleaner eating home cooked food. It really isn't worth it eating out everyday anymore. That's basically why wifey and me have decided that on weekdays we stay in and eat at home and only weekends do we go out and eat. Besides I'm enjoying cooking at home and experimenting with recipes :D
On a good note, my car is okay and is working decently for now :D I suppose it better be working properly seeing as how it cost me three arms and four legs to get it fixed last Friday. Not that it's completely done yet. I need to get a pair of front tyres next week. The current ones are on the verge of being F1 slicks! That's more hard earned money flying off soon ... siggghhh ... When I was young, I always wanted to own a car, little did I realize maintaining one could make your life stressful at times.
At least the weekend is here and I was on half day leave today. Took the afternoon off and went down to Sunway Pyramid with wifey and the boys for a little shopping. It was more like window shopping really cos we didn't buy much of anything. It was basically going for lunch and just strolling around the complex planning what to buy next when that million dollars I'm waiting for to drop from the sky falls my way ... LOL!
Going to Sunway did cause a predicament for me and wifey though. We ended up buying J.Co Donuts since we both haven't tried any of them yet. We've been getting our doughnut supplies from Big Apple all this while and people have been telling us J.Co is pretty good too. So we decided to try and bought half a dozen of the Da Vin Cheez, Cheese Me Up and Don Mochino flavors. After trying them out wifey doesn't fancy the J.Co flavors all that much but I simply adore and idolize the Da Vin Cheez and Cheese Me Up flavors. One bite from them and I was salivating all over the box! LOL! It's like heaven on earth la!

Now that's where the predicament really starts for me. From now on I'm going to have to drive to two different places for our doughnut supplies, one to Big Apple in Subang Parade and the other to J.Co in Sunway Pyramid whenever we have the urge to gobble down doughnuts cos wifey is settling for nothing but Big Apple doughnuts and I'm sticking with the J.Co ones.
Man, the things I do for doughnuts! But seriously, the Da Vin Cheez and Cheese Me are to die for and I still have two more left which I'm going to savour with a nice mug of steaming coffee later tonight while watching the 'American Idol' results show and 'One In A Million' (yes, I watch reality shows too sometimes ... LOL!).
Ok, that's me signing off for now. Here's wishing you all a great weekend :D
I used to love those donuts but had too much and now, I am just glad to stay off them.
ReplyDeleteSo, you're a guy who loves cooking huh? I know alot of men who don't. I agree that eating home cooked food's much better than all the MSG and whatnot you get when eating out. But a treat or two once in awhile in your fav restaurant is good for the family.
I don't really like donuts. And they are so unhealthy! Anyway, J Co and Big Apple are the better donuts. I simply hate Dunking Donuts! They are the worst! I wonder how come they are still around!
ReplyDeleteBut if you think J Co is good, wait till you try Krispy Kreme opening soon in Berjaya Times Square! : )
Nick... you know.. each time my friends from KL or whoever when to KL for trip... they never have to scratch their head what to get for me... LOL.. all they do is get a half dozen of J.CO or dunkin donuts...
i mean *went*..
ReplyDeleteoppss.. sorry!
We all love donuts here. Chocolate dip is Aidan's favorite, Aurora likes Chocolate Boston Cream, hubby likes the regular Boston Cream, and I like Honey Cruller.
ReplyDeleteyeah foong.. krispy kreme is the mother of all donuts they say..
ReplyDeletebut I need to lay off those donuts if i don't want to end up looking like one. LOL!
Anyways, I too know full well the feeling of looking at the create new post and just sitting there and abandoning my intent after 10 minutes. LOL! Sometimes we need to go away and miss it for a while to get back in the groove.
I had a bout of that for a while.. but now I'm back with my posting frenzy.
Luckily I get paid to write for my Today.com blogs, if not, i won't be posting every single day. LOL!
My passion to blog have dwindle this past few days too..not sure why! Maybe like you said, less assignment to do??? heheee
ReplyDeleteI still haven't try the Jco donut yet..but i think i will stick to B.A.D...duren duren is the best!!! :D
I love love love doughnuts. Ever since I had Big Apple, I stopped eating Dunkin Doughnuts.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for Krispy Kreme to open in Malaysia. I had those in Australia, and OMG, I wished I could tapau a whole container of them! Hahaha!
Mei Teng - LOL! Ya, I know doughnuts are bad but I can't help myself! I'm addicted to them :D
ReplyDeleteI find cooking pretty fulfilling and hearing the kids say that the food I've cooked taste great is feeling :D
Foongpc - I have to agree with you on Dunkin Donuts. They're absolutely atrocious! Just like you, I'm wondering how they still survive.
ReplyDeleteI'll be the first in line to sample some of Krispy Kreme the moment it opens ... LOL!
Bosscat - Wah, so easy to find food for you ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteBosscat - No worries, I understood what you meant :D
ReplyDeleteTammy - Same here. The whole gang over here love doughnuts too. We'll be fighting with each other for the doughnuts ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteShemah - Like I told Foong, I'll be the first in line to buy some when they open here ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteAnd as for looking like a doughnut, well, with the way I'm craving for them, I'll probably beat you to looking like one ... hahaha ...
Don't know la, these days the inspiration to post is so difficult to come by la. Hope it's not a permanent thing though. And I must check out that Today.com thing you just mentioned. You know how I like anything to do with making money ... LOL!
KadusMama - Yup, not having many assignments takes the sparkle out of my blogging ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteGo and try some J.Co ones, I'm sure you'll like them too. My recommendations are the Da Vin Cheez, simply to die for ... hehehe ...
Perky - I gave up Dunkin Donuts years ago. It's really a wonder they're still around!
ReplyDeleteIs it really that good? I can't wait for them to open an outlet here. I'll probably snap up everything they have ... LOL!
LOL! You all seem very passionate about donuts!! I've tried both, J.Co somewhere last year and Big Apple after reading your previous entry on donuts and find both pretty much the same... :)
ReplyDeleteWah, new post! Home cooked dinners are still the best right? Cheaper and healthier.
ReplyDeleteWah, you make the donuts sound so good.We have JCo here, I'm going to buy those when I past by the shop in future.
Hi Nick, I'm mad about donuts!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm very busy these days because of my job, being a teacher is hard! But I don't forget this special place!! :o)
I think J Co's better.
ReplyDeleteI dont really fancy donuts, but if i do crave, it will be Big Apple's.
ReplyDeleteWe also seldom go out dining nowadays, only on weekend. On weekday, I cook....
hmmm... I dont fancy donuts but yeah, donuts nowadays are really fancy and sure makes one go gaa-gaa! :-)
ReplyDeleteyummy this is what we call delicious donuts..heheh..do visit my blog..hahha...if it turn to be like the one in my blog..
ReplyDeleteI stare at the 'create a post' page for ages on end and nothing, absolutely nothing comes to mind at all. <---that's just like me!! hehehe. but i can say im worse coz i don't even feel like blog hopping that much anymore. only rare moments like this when im uber bored.
ReplyDeleteand honestly, i cant tell the difference between j.co's or big apple. they both just taste yummy. hehehe..
I could eat mountain-fulls of these donuts! (which makes you ponder why that is so, doesn't it?) Haven't tried the J.Co ones though.
ReplyDeleteI am super glad to hear your car issues are resolved.
ReplyDeleteIve been having a hard time with words too. Thats why I am only posting on Mondays!
Terra Sheild - LOL! Yes, yes, I'm pretty passionate about my doughnuts. But you're right they're about the same but J.Co has the Da Vin Cheez and that is absolutely mouth watering :D
ReplyDeleteBT - LOL! Yeah, a new post :D Yup, nothing beats home cooked meals :D
ReplyDeleteOh you do that, I don't think you'll be disappointed :D
Cidao - LOL! Ya, I remember that you're mad about doughnuts :D At least I have company ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteGallivanter - Cool. I have to agree with you :D
ReplyDeleteRose - You're just like my wife, she prefers Big Apple too :D
ReplyDeleteWe do the same thing, we cook at home on weekdays, saves us loads of money too :D
Sting - The doughnuts these days are so much better than the Dunkin Donuts ones which was the only choice back then ...
ReplyDeleteSweet-Girlicious - What? You have doughnuts in your blog? I'm heading over there now ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteSyura - I have no problems with blog hopping, just trying to write a post is what stumps me ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteThey're basically both about the same but the Da Vin Cheez has got me hooked to visit J.Co more ... hehehe ...
Perry - LOL! So can I la ... Try them one of these days, they're simply yummy :D
ReplyDeleteMeleah - I'm super glad too ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should post once a week too :D
You know, reading your blog and learning all the new names, like Sunway Pyramid and the confusing highway names that you mentioned, it makes me think that gee, maybe I should visit KL again when I'm in that part of the world. It certainly has changed since I last visited. And mental note to myself: don't forget to eat donuts in KL :)
ReplyDeleteThe Real Mother Hen - Change it has and not for the better I must say. I miss the quiet of KL from days gone by ...
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, and don't forget them donuts :D
hello Nick Phillips ...thanks for singgah-ing to my makan bloggie.. appreciate that...
ReplyDeletei agree with u..sometimes when i click "creat a post" my mind goes blank too.. thinking of what topic to start off.. but when i get it started, the words just flow naturally.. like u, eventually, it will become a long post.. haha..
ReanaClaire - First of all welcome to my blog. Yeah, I've been known for my long never ending posts but these days, my mind is a total blank ... siggghhh ...
ReplyDeleteHi Nick, hope ur writer's block clears up soon, hard to believe u got nothing to say! ;)
ReplyDeleteJ Co Donuts are not bad, I think I will get me some this weekend too! Forget abt the diet LOL! ;)
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love donuts! I'm dying to try the Da Vin Cheez and Cheese Me :-)
ReplyDeleteMarzie - I'm hoping it clears up too :D
ReplyDeleteMarzie - Yeah, to hell with diets, let's all go buy doughnuts ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteMonica - Go and get some this weekend, that is if I don't grab all of it first ... LOL!