Thursday, November 19, 2009

Zooming Again ...

I'm a person who complains quite a bit when things don't go my way. But I'm also a person who gives credit where credit is due.

Most of you know about the recent P1 WiMax connection problems that have been plaguing me for the past one month or so. I was so stressed out just trying to get them to solve it that I even bitched about it a while back over here.

It just so happened that one of their ... urrrmmm ... I don't know what you call them, but one of those people who monitor online complaints about P1 happened to read that particular post and got in touch with me to try to solve my problem.

Now, I wasn't expecting much to be resolved cos we've all had dealings with customer service people before and P1 has also been having some bad press lately. But I was proven wrong.

I would like to like to thank Timothy Chong, their web specialist who so patiently listened to my rants (and trust me, they weren't very nice rants) and assured me he will do his best to get my connection up to speed, if at all possible, and he kept his word. Yesterday, I had an outdoor CPE modem installed in my house and now I'm back to getting the speeds they promised me, which is all I really wanted anyway.

I think the powers that be at P1 should hire more people like Timothy who are actually problems solvers instead of giving silly excuses and reasons like the rest of the P1 customer support people do. In fact half the time, they make it sound like it's the customers fault. He kept every promise he made to me even though I was a pain in the ass most of the time when dealing with him. For that I thank you very much Timothy.

My connection is excellent right now but I'm not holding my breath just yet. I'll give this outdoor CPE modem a month or so to see if it really is stable but at least I know that if anything were to go wrong, there is one person in P1 that I can rely upon to get things done.

Now the only other problem that I have, which is no fault of P1 is to go get myself a router ... siggghhh ... and that means forking out some good hard earned cash for it. And until I do, wifey and me are just going to have to be sharing internet connection time. Well I suppose I could just get a couple of xbox games and play while waiting for my turn at the PC. Oh crap, wait a minute, first of all I'd need to get an Xbox! LOL!


  1. wahhhh...a gewd customer service is rare...i mean seriously rare.

    LOL, fork some $$ for xbox?

  2. Good to know P1 is taking some initiative. I've been using P1 coming up to a year now and so far have very few problems, can count with one hand, and solved within a few hours.

    Still, it won't stop me from returning to TM in early 2010 when they introduce the HSBB connection at minimum 10mb speeds. :-)

  3. Maslight - Rare is an understatement :D It's good to know that at least some people are dedicated enough in what they do.

    Buy an Xbox? No money to buy router, how to buy Xbox? LOL!

  4. Gallivanter - You're one of the lucky few :D

    Yup, I'm looking forward to HSBB too but I'm not holding my breath just yet, you know la all these Malaysian companies and how they work :D

    But it's still enough to make me salivate :D

  5. :D so do you think i should subscribe P1? One of my husband friends has been complaining that his connection sux! LOL

  6. wah wah wahhhhhh.. bagus laaa.. me line still like kura kura terlangkup.. hahahhahaa

    bagui la Timothy Chong... Streamyx could use someone like him.. hahhahaa.. but Streamyx punya customer care dah improved banyak dah.. just the line slow je

  7. Kadusmama - LOL! I really don't know how to anwer you la ... personally I would check properly first that the connection is stable before even subscribing.

  8. Anny - Streamyx not so bad what? At least stable, I should know cos my office uses Streamyx but I'm glad to get back the speeds I used to have.

  9. yeah, I ranted like a mad, raving lunatic over twitter and they caught my rants. I wrote about my experience here.

    at the end of the day, i don't know who the guy was but he resolved my issue instantly and caught it over the internet. powers that be is the internet!

  10. Good for you, Nick. But that's not going to make me "potong" just yet. Haha

  11. Marsha - Being vocal and standing up for wha is rightfully yours does pay off eventually.

    And yes, the internet is a very powerful tool.

  12. akhirnya all your rants paid off.. :)

  13. I guess blogging does come in handy. In your case, the rants came in handy! :P

  14. Cool... glad to see your problem resolved. P1 wasn't in my area the last time I checked - I live in a kampung. Maxis, on the other hand, doesn't look for complaints via blogs, I think... but it's been awhile.

  15. Have fun zoomming around and spare a thought for those who are less fortunate LOL Don't forget to send the response to PG either cause you don't have an excuse no more! hehehe

  16. Hi Nick, I'm part of the P1 group in an extended family: I'm glad you got it resolved, and my respects to my fellow colleague Timmy as well. I feel broadband has much to improve and it's up to the passionate people like Timmy to make it happen.

  17. Mama Mia - Yeah, but I'm still not holding my breath just yet.

  18. Sriyany - It does, in fact I think it comes in more handy than actually talking to a customer service person ... LOL!

  19. Terra - I was actually surprised I got more help her than from their customer service people on the phone but I'm glad that they do have people monitoring the blogsphere ...

  20. Adrian - I do spare a thought for the less fortunate ... LOL! But seriously, I think people should fight for what they pay for.

  21. Nick - I have to agree with you. Broadband as it is at the moment sucks big time. I hope one fine day someone will actually provide some 'real' broadband in this country. Thanks for dropping by. Good to know that at least some of you P1 people do monitor things. Yes, Timothy has been a big help and I appreciate all he has done.

  22. Good for you Spiff.. eh when I had P1 over at my place in Ampang it sucks too.. so before the trial week is up..i gave them them their modem.. now that I've moved, the connection is excellent.. i got their 2.2mb package and so far so good :)

  23. Wah...if only Screamyx read my tantrum post on them and come pujuk me he he he! ;)

  24. LadyJava - Yeah, good for me :D The amount of screaming I had to do to get things working again, I think I aged 10 years la!

    Good to know your connection is excellent :D

  25. Marzie - LOL! Maybe you try writing them an email and threath to report them to MCMC, that might just get their attention ... hehehe ...

  26. hohoho Im glad u got this resolved Nick! :)

  27. oh that timothy is the guy who responded your complaint in one of your P1 entries? good job :D

    good that ur p1 connection problem is now solved and hope it stays that way for a long, long time la.

  28. Monica - I'm glad to Monica, I was going crazy la! LOL!

  29. Carol - Yes, he was the guy who left me that comment :D And what an efficient guy he was too.

    So far things seem to be alright for now :D

  30. To every problem, there is a solution, hehee!
    P1 should help their customers, otherwise, they'll lose them. Shouldn't your kids be playing with Xbox? Anyway, it's good they don't cos they might just get addicted to it. :-)

  31. Marlene - I have to agree, sometimes you just need to shout loud enough ... LOL!

    I don't want them getting addicted to playing video games all day ...

  32. WOW. Customer Service like that is so RARE, and I am thrilled to hear your Internet Connection issues have been resolved! :)

  33. Wah so long no new post here, busy commenting at EIB or what?? He he he! ;)

  34. Meleah - It is! It's extremely rare that's why I'm still not holding my breath just yet ... LOL!

  35. Marzie - Busy la Marzie. Banyak work, no time for much these days, well, except maybe opening a new blog la ... LOL!

  36. Yeah lor, takde hujan takde ribut suddenly got new woof blog it seems LOL! :)

  37. Marzie - Hahaha ... what to do, sometimes I go a little insane la!


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