Tuesday, June 12, 2012

More Time

My blogging activities have really and I mean really, really slowed down quite a bit these days. Finding the time to sit and blog is a luxury. There was a time not too long ago that I could sit and blog about anything at all. In fact, I wouldn't run out of topics to write but these days my mind is so consumed with a host of things that thinking of writing something intelligent is like trying to squeeze water from a rock, in fact that might be easier to do :D Though I may not have the time to update my blog much I still do keep track of all my old time blogging buddies and their updates even though I don't comment much these days. I can't imagine where I found the time to blog as much as I did back then. I could write a post and extremely long ones at that every single day. I guess back then I didn't run my own company and could afford to sit and blog during office hours. I don't have the liberty to do that much these days. The moment I'm in the office, it's one rush job after the other which is good in a way cos that more money but I'm just so tired by the end of the work day that I just want to collapse. Then there is my running to indulge in after work that by the time all that is over, the day is almost ending leaving me no time to even look into articles about slides at PlaytimeUS.com. Sometimes I really do wish there was more than 24 hours in a day. Even the days move pretty fast, one minute it's Monday, the next it's the weekend and half the time I don't even know what I did all week! I suppose it's better than having a day so boring it takes forever to end, right? Anyways, that's about all the intelligence I have for today, if I keep on writing, it'll just turn into gibberish. And by the way, I purposely ignored having paragraphs in this post to make your life a little more difficult trying to read this post ... LOL!


  1. The pain of unparagraph thoughts... arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. did you know.. its mid June already? where did the time go la

    1. I'm asking myself that same question. Where did the time really go to?

  2. I could recycle this post on my blog too. Too tired to write anything, though I've had some stuff to write about.

  3. Blogger block?? hahahah! I understand, sometimes we tend to be lazy and cannot get down to pen everything in the blog. Give yourself a break, Nick.

  4. Tell me about it! Then again if there were more than 24 hours in a day, we would still be busy finishing up other things than blogging. My blog's been catching flies lately as well as my Facebook!

    1. You're absolutely right. No matter how much time we have, it's always never enough.

  5. We 'oldies' are really slowing down on the blogging, ey? Thing is, maybe we've ran out of things to say..or we're just bored with it. :P

    Either way, DON'T STOP!! I still come visit my blogging friends from time to time to see what they're up to - even if I was a silent reader. :P

    1. I think I'm just lazy la ... hahaha!

      I definitely won't stop, just won't be posting as frequent as before.

  6. Oh boy...i can soooooooo relate to this. I feel that it is such a pity because blogging can really bring your brain to life and it sort of makes you feel like you just dumped the weight of the world that has been sitting on your shoulders into the blog. Shorter blogs are better than no blog, I say =)

    1. Yes, I totally agree, shorter postings are better than none at all!

  7. HA! I can totally relate to this. I haven't had much time to blog or comment either - but I am doing my best to keep up with those I feel the closest too on the internet!

    1. Same here Meleah. Keeping updated on everyone's blogs are becoming a real challenge but I'm up to it :D


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