Wednesday, July 25, 2012

One Step At A Time

It's almost the end of July already. Where did the time go? Next thing you know we'll be celebrating the New Year already!

Aside from the fact that I've been pretty busy with work, I can't remember a single thing I did the entire month. Must be age catching up with me. I suppose being busy is a good sign, right? More business, more money?

With that said, I've been pretty free this entire week. Work has been easy and I'm actually enjoying the change of pace. Sometimes a little boredom can help soothe the overworked soul.

The Ramadan season is upon us and for once I haven't visited a single Ramadan Bazaar just yet. I'm not planning to this year cos I heard the prices of the food being sold at the bazaar near my place has gone up.

Besides, I'm watching what I eat these days. I'm on a strict diet regime to get in shape to tackle my second marathon in approximately 3 months time and better my personal best timing. I'm signed up for quite a bit of races after the Ramadan month and really need to make sure I'm capable of breezing through them.

I have a race this weekend, a relay race, which is my first relay event ever and I just saw a section of the route which incorporate stairs that lead to heaven and beyond. I'm actually not happy about it cos in my opinion, you don't put stairs in a running event. If this was a trail or some obstacle course run, then it would be fine but not a running event.

Oh well, I can't complain and just have to take one step (no pun intended) at a time and just do my best. All my plans of a quick fast under 5 minute paced run are totally dashed now! Just go with the flow, Nick, go with the flow. All the other runners are going to be running up those stairs too!

The freaking stairs that all the runners are going to have to tackle!
Picture courtesy of PAR8 - 2012.


  1. I went to FB last week and looked at the route. I suspected that dratted stairs might be included in the race.

    When I went to run at Lake Garden last week, I skipped it and tackled the incline at the Deer Park instead. Should have done the stairs. *wail*

    I suck at inclines but I do much worse with stairs. @.@

    p.s. the lone girl wants to know - got team colour or not? ;)

    1. I'm actually regretting looking at the pix of the stairs. I'm not afraid of inclines these days but stairs are a whole different matter entirely! I'm suspecting Kah Yen planned this ... LOL!

      Will check with the other two about team colors.

  2. Stairs will sure tire anyone out.

  3. Walking up these stairs will tire me already already :D


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