Ok, let me start from the beginning (what do you know, that sarcastic interloper isn't here with his snide remarks ... LOL!). This morning I had quite a bit of appointments to go to cos I had to postpone all my appointments yesterday because of my stupid car. And all these appointments were in totally different parts of this world so it required quite a bit of driving around. On top of that I had to go get my road tax renewed cos my road tax actually expired yesterday but I couldn't get it done then.
So, early morning I head to the mini post office near my house but the place only opens at 9am and I have to drive all the way to the main post office much further away through the morning traffic. The area I live which is USJ, Subang Jaya is synonymous for it's early morning traffic jams. I silently curse as I crawl through the jam at speeds that would make a snail look like it was speeding. After a lengthy bumper to bumper crawl I finally make it to the post office get my road tax renewed without a hassle (whoopee) and start my journey for my first of 3 appointments.
Along the way back from my second appointment, my car decides to stall on me. Right in the middle of the blooming busy road at that! And here I just had it come out from the mechanic only yesterday. It must have this secret longing to have my mechanic caress it's internal parts or something. The problem is not something I can't handle so I get the car started again and as long as I don't release the accelerator, the engine will remain on, but picture this, my mechanics shop is about 10 kilometres away and there is no way in hell I can get there without taking my foot of the accelerator.
The best, fastest and easiest way there would be to use the tolled highways where the possibility of having to stop is lesser except when it come to paying the toll at the toll booth. I have an automated toll tag so that shouldn't be too much of a problem passing through the tool booth without stopping completely. But as luck or rather bad luck would have it, the moment I reach the automated lanes, the damn bar doesn't open and all the alarms start sounding.
'Oh, oh, this is not good'
Never mind. I stop my car and the engine dies off as expected. The toll booth girl approaches me and asks to see my toll tag which as far as I'm concerned is up to date and and has a healthy balance in it. She tries it at the terminal by the side and nothing happens, then she tells me in this rather rude and I mean really rude manner to go and check it in the main office. I ask her why she can't check it at her terminal right here. She raises her voice and says, go to the office, she doesn't know what's wrong. It's not her job. That's when I lost it.

I get out my car, I walk up to her and scream at her and ask her just what exactly is her job? To sit there and look dumb? And what is so damn difficult to check it at her terminal as they're all linked anyway. I don't give her a chance to answer as I continue my barrage at how stupid and inefficient she is, not to mention lazy. What the hell kind of customer services does she practice anyway? I'm a customer, it's not my toll tag that is at fault and she has the means to check it there and then but she wants me to drive all the way to the main office to look into it! Isn't that just ridiculous (well, to someone who's car is giving problems and who's mouth is hurting like hell it is).
By that time I think the poor girl was about to cry so I just get in my car and drive off to the main office. I believe I didn't even pay for the toll ... LOL! I do feel a little bad about screaming at her now that I've calmed down but she caught me at the wrong time, I was already having a bad day, my car was driving me nuts and she just happened to be the one who was on the receiving end of my anger. I'm not normally like this. I'm more the no cares in the world kinda guy and I seldom lose my temper. Ask my wife, she'll testify to that but recently I've changed to being someone who loses his temper rather easily and quite a bit I must say. I seriously don't like it one bit. It's just so not me. Even poor wifey is sometimes on the receiving end of my temper nowadays. Sorry ya, honey? I think it's old age ... LOL!
I finally managed to get the car to my mechanic and that's when it decided to work just fine. My mechanic now thinks I'm in love with him or something. Oh well, I hope it doesn't act up again cos I could so use a break right now. My mood is way in the dumps and my morale is on the low side. But on the up side of things, tomorrow is a public holiday and I get to spend the whole day with wifey :) And now, before I head home, I'd better go see what this assignment called assisted living software is all about. They do give me some strange ones but hey, who's complaining. It's good money :)
Oh dear, that doesn't sound like you at all. We all have those days Nick and even you are allowed to be bad tempered once in a while. Maybe you're going through menopause...no wait, that can't be it. Leave it with me and I'll see what I can come up with. Hope tomorrow is much better for you. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteOh and Nick....I would get myself a new mechanic if I were you or you might get asked out on a date. Now that would be awkward...
ReplyDeleteyou did mention before (or at least gave that impression) you were going to look for a new mechanic.. it's about time too.. the rate you are visiting the current mechanic, you might as well add him in your payroll :-)
ReplyDeletehmm, I wonder if the toll booth girl will be tendering her resignation.. :-)
I guess bad day is an understatement, huh??
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about it.. but sounds like the same mechanic hubby has. I guess they don't really fix it right so that you could come over and over and over again.. :(
Also, if the pain in ur mouth is really bothering you.. why not try gargling with salt water. After all, since it already hurts like rubbing salt in your wound, then technically, you won't feel anything..
Well, Nick.. all I can wish u is that I hope you have a better day tomorrow. :D
Every cloud has a silver lining, or so they say! At least you have tomorrrow off!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your day and I hope that's the end of the car trouble. Sorry to hear what a nightmare you've been having with your motor.
I am sorry you had such a crappy day..I hoper you nose doesn't look like that when you're mad!! LOL
ReplyDeleteAren't days like those GREAT! I hope tomorrow is better! :o)
ReplyDeleteyou did the right thing..that lady deserve it..i hate rude plp..hope your car are well behave now.:)
ReplyDeletei scare my car send into mechanic also.they are so impolite and dishonest most the time
ReplyDeletewell after THAT move its safe you say you and toll both girl had a BAD day.
ReplyDeleteGypsy - I'm definitely back to my normal self today. I've been irritating wifey all day with my antics ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteBut I do still feel bad for that toll booth girl though ...
Gypsy - oh, and I am going to find myself a new mechanic ... hmmm, somehow that didn't come out right ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteSting - Who knows, maybe he'll offer me some shares in his company ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteAnd I doubt that toll booth girl will be resigning anytime soon. She's probably too deeply rooted in her inefficiency to quit!
Shemah - Yeah, I seriously think all these mechanics have some kind of sinister scheme going on. It's a good way to get repeat business for them I guess.
ReplyDeleteGargle with salt? Oh man, I'd probably faint from the pain ... LOL! The good news is, the wound is healing and it feels much better today :D
The world according to me - Oh, I am so glad for the holiday. I'd have gone crazy otherwise!
ReplyDeleteThat car is like that, when it breaks down, it'll break down all month, otherwise it can work fine for years ...
Diamond - OMG, I should hope not. LOL! Actually now that you've mentioned it, I wonder how I really look when I'm mad ...
ReplyDeleteTammy - I sure could do with a little less of these kind of days. Well, at least it is so much of a better day today :D
ReplyDeleteSweetiepie - I especially hate rude and lazy people! So far my car is behaving itself today. Keeping my fingers crossed though ... Oh and welcome to my blog.
ReplyDeleteHazel - I'm always afraid to visit the mechanic cos my car has a habit of visiting it again at least 3 times after that! LOL!
ReplyDeleteMeleah - I sincerely hope I RUINED her whole day, I would derived such pleasure in knowing that!
ReplyDeleteI would scream at her is my car breaks down all the time too. Perhaps you really should use the money earned from blogging to get a newer car?
ReplyDeleteBT - Good to know I'm not the only one who would have reacted that way ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteYeah, maybe I should make that my next quest :D
Finally a tantrum story from u!! Yay, yeah she sounds like she deserved being screamed at, so damn rude!!! I had an experience with a toll lady too, well actually hubby did. Customer service in Malaysia really needs to improve la, that's all I can say!! ;)
ReplyDeleteMarzie - yeah, it's been quite awhile since I last threw any tantrums here ... LOL! I have to agree, customer service here sucks big time.