Anyways, all is well in this here parts. I even managed to go for a mini vacation with wifey and the family. My best buddy, Adrian who by the way started blogging again called me last week and invited me along for a short beach vacation. Although it was a really short notice, more like 2 days I simply couldn't pass up the offer.
We went to Port Dickson, a popular seaside town about an hour's drive or so from our place. We spent the night at this cool apartment called Sri Pena. We would have preferred a longer stay but unfortunately the place was booked solid the next day and seeing as how the trip was planned in such a short time, other places of accommodation simply could not be arranged.
I haven't been to Port Dickson in ages though I used to live in this lovely laidback seaside town a very long time ago. The place has changed so much that I hardly recognized it anymore. I couldn't even locate the place I used to live. I'm not even sure if it exists anymore. It sure would be nice to visit the old house again.
I must say I enjoyed myself to the max, of course having my best buddy, his wife and daughter along with wifey and the boys made doubly sure it was fun, fun, fun and more fun :D Most of the day was spent lounging around in the pool. The best part was we had the place practically to ourselves cos we went before the weekend peak time. There was only about one or two other families in the entire apartment complex which made it fine by us.
The only thing I have to complain about is the old body not being able to take the strain of all the fun. By the time we reached home the next day, I was aching all over from all the time we spent swimming in the pool. Well, I can't swim so it was more like floating around in the pool all day pretending to swim ... LOL!
Before going I was boasting to wifey that I was going to stay up all night long and chit chat with my good buddy but by the time the clock struck midnight I was almost dead tired and eventually gave up the fight and went to bed. Sorry buddy, I know you wanted to stay up longer, but age has caught up with me.
But overall, I had a blast that I can't wait for our next holiday together. There is nothing like going for a holiday with the family and your best friend's family cos you know you'll be assured of a great time. And a great time it was indeed. Though I do need another holiday right now just to recover from the recent one ... LOL!
Here are some pictures of the recent trip. Nothing great, too lazy and too busy to really edit it at all, so just enjoy the raw format ... hehehe ...

Now THAT was an awesome post and a great time was had by all. Love the photos!
ReplyDeleteHi Nick! Glad to hear u and ur buddy got some together time. I stayed at Sri Pena before, many years ago. Have not been to PD since then.;)
ReplyDeleteBuddy!! Nice to see the photos here!! I haven't had time to get my photos up...wanted to last night but was so tired that I slept early! Yeah age is catching up! :) I will have some of mine up today!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah we had a blast too!! And I can't wait for the next trip...wifey too! Me thinks next month...and probably the same place for now...probably the 14...any school holidays/Selangor holidays that we can exploit? hehe
ReplyDeleteOh nice... I'm in need of a vacation too. To recharge. Am getting lazy and demotivated :(
ReplyDeleteMeleah - Thank you :D We all had a fun time. The only regret was it was too short a time.
ReplyDeleteMarzie - Oh ya, you used to work with the NST group didn't you? So booking that apartment should have been a breeze for you :D
ReplyDeleteThe place was nice, pretty well maintained and most importantly, it was empty :D
Adrian - LOL! I know what you mean about age catching up. I was overdue for a post anyway and the longer I wait the lazier I become ... even Ellie's birthday pics I haven't edited yet and that was months ago ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteAdrian - I'll do some research on the holiday thingy. I've lost track of all the holidays oredi ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteTerra Shield - Then I think it's time you took a nice break. Go out somewhere nearby and just chill out :D
ReplyDeleteWuah so much fun! The photos are great too! XD best best. LOL on body aching. Too much fun! Once awhile ok bah. XD
ReplyDeleteNice photos! Is the beach clean? I've been to PD many years ago and was put off by the dirty beach! Never went back again! : )
ReplyDeletehahahha ya its fail! i really can't see the castle..but the sun set is lovely!!!and the food make me yummy.. it make me!!
ReplyDeleteWah, very nice!!
ReplyDeleteMy memory of PD is of ikan bakar! So long ago. I was 16. Wonder if the stall is still there!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful sunset photos!
ReplyDeleteWhat?! You can't build a decent sandcastle....tsk tsk! ;)
Hey I've been to Port Dickson in the 80s! :) Long long time ago. It was a time when my parents decided to do a cross-country trip in Malaysia, spending weeks driving from Penang to the East Coast, down to Johor, up the West Coast, visiting many places along the way. Port Dickson was one of the stops.
ReplyDeleteCutenya the horses! :D
ReplyDeleteReally a nice getaway, Nick!! Great trip to unwind yourself.
ReplyDeleteMaslight - Hahaha ... I need another holiday just to recover from this holiday ...
ReplyDeleteFoong - The place we stayed at had a clean beach. I suppose which part of PD you went to. Some of the beaches there are not too clean though ...
ReplyDeleteSweet-Girlicious - LOL! Yup, a sand castle builder I am not! But I enjoyed myself though :D
ReplyDeleteBT - Thanks :D
ReplyDeleteHui Sen - 16? That's a heck of a long time ago buddy ... LOL! You might be surprised to find it might actually still be there :D
ReplyDeleteMei Teng - Thanks :D No la, I'm horrible at building sandcastles! My buddy's little girl was way better at it than me ... hahaha!
ReplyDeleteThe Real Mother Hen - The 80's? Wow, that was like 20 plus years ago :D Those cross country trips you guys made sure sounded like a heck of a lot of fun :D
ReplyDeleteNessa - There were cute :D I was surprised to actually see horses there in the first place :D Would have loved to have brought them home ... hehehe ...
ReplyDeleteRose - It was a great trip. I really needed the break :D
ReplyDeleteNICE!!!!!! Nice pix too.. :)
ReplyDeleteI always go PD but never stay there overnight..might plan to stay there lah like this
The photos are nice what, no need to edit la. I love the sunset pics...:)
ReplyDeletevery lovely pics... glad u had a great time at the beach with Mrs Spiff and kiddos plus ur buddy too.. kids and sand and beach... wonderful holiday!
ReplyDeletelove the sunset pics.. now i am itching to go to the beach again :D
"The only regret was it was too short a time."
ReplyDeleteIsn't that always the case? !! :)
Was wondering where you went, glad to see you are back. Looks like you had a great trip. never been to PD before! Looks fab!
ReplyDeleteAnd eh actually not bad lah your sand castle. Mine lagi teruk you know. No talent langsung! Hehehe
ReplyDeleteCepat2 got FC! Go chop now! Hahahaha Now you cannot say me bias! :P
ReplyDeleteKadusmama - You should :D It's a good place to chill out, what with it being so near :D
ReplyDeleteMama Mia - Thank you :D The pictures didn't do justice to the actual sunset scene la ...
ReplyDeleteAnny - Thank you :D I really needed a break after all that grass counting la ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteGo la, make a trip to the nearest beach. Penang not far from Ipoh what, they got lovely beaches there too :D
Meleah - Unfortunately that's the reality of holidays, it's never long enough.
ReplyDeleteTellie - I needed a little break and I'm glad I took up m buddies offer :D
ReplyDeleteRozella - What? You've never been to PD? But then, you guys have even better looking beaches in Sabah, right :D
ReplyDeleteRozella - Finally, someone actually said my sandcastle not bad ... LOL! Urrmmm, I have a confession to make. I used my buddy's little girls kiddy castle mould to make that and even then it was hopeless ... LOL!
ReplyDeleteRozella - Aiyoooo, that's like dangling 1000 bucks in front of me while I'm on the other end of the river. I busy all day la and only now saw this comment, how to chop. It's still a conspiracy I tell you ... hahaha!
ReplyDeleteBut hey, thanks for the heads up anyway :D
Nice pics! I love holidays, but the thing is every time I have one, I have to spend a few days recuperating from one!
ReplyDeleteWhat king of vacation is that???
Perry - Thanks :D Same here, I came home from that holiday needing another holiday ... LOL!
ReplyDeletegreat pictures, nick!! looks like you're having loads of fun! good for you!
ReplyDeleteEmila - I did have loads of fun. It was really a good break to recharge my batteries :D