Sunday, September 19, 2010

Guard Booking

Facebook! It's everywhere these days. Everyone I know has a Facebook account. In fact I think the entire planet has an account on Facebook except me. I've never really fancied this Facebook thingy and am not the kind of person who would like to post my personal pictures online for the world to see and neither am I the kind who wants to see other peoples pictures.

Call me old fashioned and all that but I don't see a reason for me to have a Facebook account. Just having a blog and trying to keep that updated is bad enough, let alone throwing a Facebook account into the equation.

But today while loitering around a shopping complex waiting for the boys to finish Sunday school, I found out how old fashioned and behind the times I am when I came across this security guard sitting and 'Facebooking' in this electrical and furniture store, the very store he was supposed to be guarding ... LOL!

He was so engrossed in his 'Facebooking' activities that he was oblivious to the customers around him. I wonder if he would even notice if I carried something out of there without paying ... LOL! I hope he doesn't have a blog too cos who knows, he just might stumble upon my blog, recognize his picture and wallop me for featuring his activities online ... hahaha!

I wonder if he also does research on glucosamine chondroitin msm during working hours too?


  1. That's so unprofessional of him!

  2. hahahahhahaaa.. cam tu pon bole ka.. waduiiii...

  3. Lina - It is but maybe the fellow was bored ls ... LOL!

  4. Anny - Boleh, boleh, Malaysia always boleh one ... hahaha ...

  5. LOL. i must say, yes you are so outdated :P

  6. Xin - Hahaha ... thank you very much for agreeing with me.

    *stares at Xin*

  7. LOL! I've met some senior citizens who have facebook accounts so yea I agree..with xin and you :P

  8. Sriyany - Hahaha ... you mean I'm even worse than senior citizens?

  9. nick, my parents in law they have fb acc now :P

    LOL. so..what do u say now?

  10. Waaaaaaa the guard very keng la!


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